Astra & Terra Carta. Prince Charles king of the World & the Universe ? & anointed king of Israel ?

5 months ago

THE REAL STONE EVENTUALLY RETURNS TO ISRAEL, BUT WHERE IS IT THE NOW ? (see pins in comments) Mirrored and added to from Charles the DEFENDER of the "FAITHS" (see all below) Via the UN / WHO & The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC,

The Stone of Destiny (see also pin above) is Jacob's Stone. With it throughout history Sovereign law (the highest form of law on earth God's law & inalienable) ACCOMPANIES the Stone & become evident to all, endowing or crowning the people with Sovereign rights. In 2019 common law decreed an end to the BAR. The real stone was employed in 2019 for its specific purpose, (Charles was crowned with a fake stone) & it has not been in England since 1952 and is currently (many suggest) is not in Scotland or England as in 2019 with the common sovereign law also waiting to be crowned in SCOTLAND OR England or none. It will via Spain end its journey in Israel "Real Stone of Destiny,Coronation Stone & Common Law & why it effects Britain & the Whole Worlds Laws"

The Real Stone of Destiny (Coronation Stone) how & why it effects Britain and the Whole World's Laws
THE COMMON LAW based on ... 10 commandments torah and new testament and also

The Man of Perdition,Sin and Lawlessness,given Authority from 10 Kings (the 'Anti-Christ' ) revealed

Apostasy & Evil in the Anglican Church, the Great falling away & Divorce of the 'Church' from God

"How King Charles’s coronation will reflect his desire to be defender of all faiths"

'Cestui Que Vie Trust' Your birth certificate slave contract via the Vatican. Law of the Sea (6,8,4) Cestui Que Vie Trust - Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome (or on bitchute ) "Cestui Que Vie Act 1666" -

The Astra Carta sustainable markets iniative "overlaid with astronomical motion and heavenly bodies"

To Infinity and beyound ? (not Buzz lightyear ?) .... "Astra Carta: Setting The Environmental Standard For UK Space" ...but do not mention depopulation or Prince Charles as head of the WEF (world economic forum) and 6 billion vaccinated

"Charles III’s ‘People Of All Faiths’ Pledge: Why They’ve Introduced New Inclusive Language As More Crown Critics Emerge"

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