Gov. Gretchen Whitmer STRAIGHT UP LIES About Covid And School Closures

5 months ago

Posted • July 31, 2024: Democrats lie. We all know this, but on no topic have they lied more than COVID. Why? Because they made absolutely terrible, anti-science decisions throughout the pandemic. No one will be held accountable, so we're not quite sure why they keep lying, but they do. Gretchen Whitmer -- once considered a potential running mate for Kamala Harris -- is one politician who lies about COVID. And we get it. She locked down Michigan so hard you couldn't buy seeds for your garden (cause science!). Here she is lying about COVID and school lockdowns: Today Gov. Whitmer said schools were closed during Covid bc “we did not know it was respiratory in nature, we didn’t know it would be people on the other end of the age spectrum would be most vulnerable.” We knew this in March 2020. Michigan schools were closed well into 2021. 😳 These are lies.

We knew it was respiratory. If we hadn't -- what was with the (useless) mask mandates? We also knew it impacted the elderly more than children. Back in 2020. Of course we knew. She's either a liar or an idiot. How about both? Both is good. -- The Case for Reopening Schools -- It’s even worse: Flint, Michigan kept their schools closed until 2022. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Gov. Whitmer STRAIGHT UP LIES About COVID and School Closures

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