RADIATE WELLBEING - Tarot with Titania – August 2nd to 9th, 2024

6 months ago

As change continues, the old falling away because it longer serves our Good, we are liberated to create something new, using the contrast provided by the old to refine our on-going creations.

In life, things need to be done, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves as we do them! By choosing to hold a different perspective: being present and enjoying those we are working with, we transform what may otherwise be a chore into something fulfilling and rich. We create wellbeing.

Don’t worry about justice being served in the outer world. The laws of cause and effect will ensure that all unfolds as it must. Our work is to hold ourselves to a high standard, stay present and do our best in every Now moment, with a clear heart. Let others experience their path and the results of their choices. We are not here to do life in one way.

We may benefit from observing what occurs in the experience of others and discern what we would prefer, but there is no need to stand in judgement and make others wrong for their choices. We each have our own path to tread. Judgement is a waste of precious energy!

When our experience presents us with beautiful moments, choose to stay with them for a little while. Basking a little longer in a moment of beauty, love, gratitude, satisfaction, wellbeing or fulfillment nourishes our spirits, the collective human field and all life. By indulging ourselves, we become beacons of this good energy, radiating wellbeing into the field of Life.

Past: Key 16 – The Tower
Present: 3 of Pentacles - Work
Future: Key 11 - Justice
Foundation: Key 20 – Judgement/Discernment
Card to Grow on: 9 of Hearts - Fulfillment

The choice is ours to be a clearing for wellbeing in every moment. What are we choosing?


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