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FlyOver Conservatives - Prophecies-JEZEBEL’S ALLIANCES ARE CRUMBLING-The Prophetic Report-Captions
A compilation of prophetic messages and visions shared by various individuals, focusing on the spiritual and political upheavals expected to occur in the United States and globally. The central theme revolves around the crumbling of Jezebel's alliances, a term symbolizing corrupt and oppressive systems.
Several prophetic voices and messages were referenced. Wanda Alger discussed a theme of terror and dread falling upon the enemy, Tim Sheets spoke on strategic spiritual warfare, and Julie Green delivered a word on the importance of faith and resilience. Joseph Z shared multiple prophetic insights regarding upcoming global shifts and spiritual awakenings. Bonnie Jones recounted a significant dream she had, and Dutch Sheets emphasized the urgency of current times and the need for divine intervention. These messages collectively highlight a sense of impending change and the necessity of steadfastness in faith.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from FlyOver Country! ‼️WAKE UP•SPEAK UP•SHOW UP‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Wanda Alger, a prophet to the church, received a word on July 5, 2024, emphasizing that terror and dread have fallen upon the enemies of God, signaling their imminent defeat. She reassured those feeling attacked that these setbacks are actually indicators of an incoming victory. The principalities and powers attacking the nation are in panic mode, and God's redemptive work is at hand, resetting every system according to His original design.
Andrew Whalen shared a dream from July 1, 2024, titled "The Toothless Killer." In his dream, he saw a massive killer whale approaching the shores of America, symbolizing a great threat. However, the whale was toothless, indicating that the threat, while imposing, was incapable of causing real harm. He interpreted this as a sign that looming threats would ultimately prove powerless.
Tim Sheets, a pastor from Oasis Church, shared a recurring vision of spiritual volcanoes erupting across the earth, symbolizing powerful ecclesia hubs that would change cultural and governmental climates. He emphasized that these eruptions would demonstrate Holy Spirit's power and lead to significant changes. He also received a prophetic download indicating that freedom from the constraints of Jezebel would happen now, and that grieving would turn into laughter.
Julie Green delivered a prophetic word on July 6, 2024, stating that an internal collapse of the establishment is taking place, leading to great fear, confusion, and turmoil. She mentioned that an election is near, but it will be unconventional. She predicted an unprecedented chain of events that would change the course of the nation and bring down corrupt giants embedded in the government.
Joseph Z shared a prophetic message on July 7, 2024, highlighting that judgment began in the house of God and will now extend to worldly institutions. He referenced a recent interview with Joe Biden, where the phrase "the good Lord coming down" was mentioned multiple times. Joseph Z felt a prophetic unction, interpreting it as a sign that divine intervention is imminent. He saw a collision with the spirit of Antichrist and Jezebel, leading to significant upheaval.
Mike Thompson, in a previous prophetic report, mentioned that recent political events resulted in fractures between the White House and other Democrats, as well as between the White House and various world leaders. He stated that Jezebel's alliances are crumbling, and despite attempts at deception, these tactics would not save them. He assured that God's spirit would reveal the truth and bring justice.
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Jezebel's alliances are crumbling. Think about that. Jezebel's alliances are crumbling. You can't do much when your alliances are crumbling. We're going to see. No doubt about it. In 2024, I want to first take you to Wanda Alger. Wanda is a great friend of mine.
She is a prophet to the church, and a lot of times her prophetic words are to the church. She received a A word on July the 5th, 2024 called terror and dread has fallen upon them. Not us. Upon them. Check this out. Terror and dread has fallen upon them. For those who have felt under constant attack. And are questioning the status of your warfare know that the seeming setbacks and system failures are actually indicators of your soon incoming victory.
The principalities and powers attacking this nation are trembling. They're in panic mode attacking both collectively and personally. They would have us think that all our systems are breaking down because of failure on our part. But it is only because God's redemptive work. Is at hand. It is the mighty arm of the Lord that is at work and accomplishing his purposes.
He is resetting every system according to his original design and standard where the enemy has tried to circumvent God's order and establish his own systems of death and destruction. The right hand of the Lord is raised against our foes. It is the mighty arm of God that is about to fall on his enemies and crush every plot and plan devised against us.
Exodus 15, 16 says terror and dread fall upon them because of the greatness of your arm. They are still as a stone till your people, Oh Lord pass by. Yes, troubles assail and warfare has intensified, but it is not it, but it is because terror and dread has fallen upon the enemies of God. The ongoing threats and attacks against those who fear God are merely indicators of the fall about to happen.
The constant distractions to cause doubt and fear are only last minute attempts to stop kingdom declarations from manifesting in full color. As the enemy assails and presents troubles of many kind, remember that these are not problems to be fixed, but distractions. To deny for many, a spirit of infirmity has plagued the body through a myriad of illnesses and ailments, hoping to weaken the resolve of the faithful.
Like grenades being thrown, the enemy has hoped to overwhelm you with one attack after another. Do not fall for his trap where he would have you think that your faith has been empty and without power. It is the exact opposite. Your faith has been working to move mountains and your perseverance is breaking through the tumult.
You are winning. It is your declarations of healing and liberty that are working and causing the enemy to panic. He sees the breakthroughs on the horizon. Do not give in to the voices that challenge your standing with the Lord. Do not listen to those whispers that question your right or authority to take the stand that you do.
In your weakness, he is strong. For our victory does not lie in our human attempts to heal ourselves or our mental prowess in answering the charges. No, our victory lies in the finished work of the cross and the access to kingdom authority awarded to us on the day of his resurrection. He has given us authority over the enemy, not because of our work, but his.
It is not by human will or strength that this war is being won. It is by faith in him alone and the power of his right hand to accomplish that which he has spoken. He will not be denied. His word has already been settled. And his people have remained steadfast seated at his right hand. We are crushing Satan beneath our feet as the King is making our enemies a footstool.
Do not allow the symptoms of your situation to dictate your faith. Do not allow the pain and discomfort to determine your resolve. You are winning this battle by continuing to stand and not yielding your faith. And the unseen is cutting through the fog of war and is overtaking the enemy. Make no mistake.
The enemies of God are trembling, for they know their time is short. Demons are squealing and principalities are falling because the people of God are taking ground and possessing their promise. And it will not be undone. Psalm 14 5. They are in great terror for God is with the generation of the righteous.
So good. Take authority in Jesus name. Just like my shirt says. In fact, I want to go back to what God had said through Wanda. He has given us authority over the enemy. Not because of our work, but because of his, it's all about Jesus. We're taking authority in Jesus name. I want to talk about this whole thing of faith.
She, she's talked about faith a lot in there. Your faith has been working to move mountains and your perseverance is breaking through. So I want to now take you to. If you go to the prophetic report. com, the prophetic report. com to written words, we're going to take you now to Andrew Whalen, July the 5th.
That was the same day, the same day that Wanda released that prophetic word from the Lord. Andrew Whalen released this word that he had received. It was a dream from July the 1st, 2024, and it's called the toothless killer. Well, on July 1st, I had a dream. In my dream, I observed the shores of America.
For some reason I was seeing them from a far distance out in the ocean. I had the thought that I was with the coast guard in the dream. As I watched suddenly a massive killer well, almost comical how large this appeared, approached the shores of America with great speed and intent. I saw thousands of beach goers oblivious to this great threat.
I knew that the moment they saw this well, it would create panic and the panic would make things worse. As I was preparing to sound the alarm over the shores of America because of this imposing threat, I could see the killer well under the water coming close to the beach and preparing to surface.
Suddenly it surfaced before anyone saw it and it turned its head to look at me with almost an obvious intent for me to see it. I watched this killer whale open its mouth bigger and wider than I think is possible for a whale to do. It seemed almost fake. And then I saw, as plain as day. This killer whale was toothless.
Its mouth was enormous, but it had no teeth. I knew in a moment that this was a gummy whale. It had the appearance of death, but it couldn't actually harm. At that moment, I knew I needed to raise an alarm, but not of fear, but of great faith. I knew that there would be the initial sense that we need to fear because of this killer.
Well, but as a, as I needed to encourage everyone, this well can do no harm and is, and its ability to kill has been neutralized because it is toothless. And then the dream ended. Pondering this dream for a few days, I believe we may be headed for a time, season, and events that are like the scenario above.
A large, threatening situation that opens its mouth wide, brings a lot of noise, confusion, threats, lies, etc. But it's actually incapable of producing any fatal bites. I believe God Can have, may have given me this dream because we need to see clearly about what's approaching ahead and not be moved with fear, but rather faith.
As we have just celebrated America's independence day, let's declare liberty, justice, and freedom across our land. We declare that the killer wells are open. sent to bite and devour our nation and every other weapon fashioned against us will not prevail. We rise up against the wide mouth lies and accusations of Satan against us and we condemn the voice of terror, death, and witchcraft against America.
We arm ourselves with fear. Faith in the face of killer scenarios against this nation and its people. Let the lion of the tribe of Judah come to our defense and may we rise according to his grace in Jesus name. Isaiah 41 10 says, do not fear for I Am with you. Do not be afraid for I Am your God. I will strengthen you.
I will surely help you. I will, I will uphold you with my right hand. Amen. Righteousness, amen. What a great picture seeing it. No teeth. It has no power whatsoever And I really do believe that that is what God is showing us right now. You even heard it from From Wanda as well You have to have faith and no fear.
I want to now take you, I love, you guys know how much I love Tim Sheets. Every time I listen to him, I always feel so peaceful. It's like God is delivering these prophetic words and sharing these things through Tim and Tim is such a great teacher as well. He's out of Oasis Church in 2024. He shares a reoccurring vision.
So first I didn't play this part, but you can go back to the sermon with Tim. He talks about a word that he had from 2021 and then God gave him a reoccurring vision that actually corresponded with that prophetic word from 2021, but then he's also going to deliver another prophetic word that the Lord has given him.
So you're going to hear about this reoccurring vision and then this word, check it out. I began to have a reoccurring vision. Vision is one of the dominant ways God speaks to me. As for all my life, I see things in the spirit realm. This one over and over. I had a reoccurring vision of this, and this explains a part of the prophetic word that I just gave to you in this reoccurring vision.
I saw volcanoes erupting all over the, all over the earth, everywhere. I saw seven that I can remember. I can't remember all the, the States in the USA, but I do remember seven where these volcanoes were erupting, Maine, Ohio, Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Hawaii. But there were many others. I also saw four in Canada, British Columbia, Manitoba.
Ontario and Quebec. And then I saw these volcanoes all over the world in nations that have the Ecclesia roots in them. In other words, the roots of the true church, as Jesus describes the Church in Matthew 16, 18 and 19. These volcanoes in this vision were not dormant. Most are in our times, but these were not dormant.
They were erupting. Ash was spewing everywhere. Lava was running down. And we know that. A volcanic eruption can actually change the climate conditions on, on the earth. It can alter the conditions or climate of the earth. Just one can do that. And we've seen that happen. Just one can do that. Let alone plenty of them.
In this vision, I knew that these volcanoes, that they were spiritual, not natural, yet they were very real. And I knew that they were going to affect the entire natural realm of the earth. I knew it. They would alter and they would change earth's atmosphere. Some, somehow, some way. And as I prayed into This vision, which I always do.
I don't just act on a vision. I pray and I ask Holy spirit. I want to hear from him about it as I prayed into this vision, asking Holy spirit for clarity to give me understanding. I heard him say these words. These are volcanic volcano, like Ecclesia hubs. That's why we begin to call the gatherings, the hubs.
These are volcano like Ecclesia hubs on the earth that will erupt in great power and change cultural and governmental climates on the earth in sudden and in real ways, they will erupt in great demonstrations of Holy Spirit's power. His dunamis, I will validate their reigning decrees. I have planned for them to prevail mightily.
The next Sunday morning, I gave that this vision and prophecy here at the Oasis. Sure. Some of you will, will remember at least parts of it that night, something happened that I believed. I believe validates this it's supernatural. In no way do I believe this is a coincidence that night Mount Etna, a known natural world volcano in Italy erupted that night.
And of course I knew a sign of validation to something God is saying or doing in the Bible is earthquakes. Or volcanic eruptions, which I've taught on here. In fact, in Joel chapter two, Joel's prophecy concerning an end time Pentecost includes the sign of volcanic eruptions. That night, mount Etna erupted with a, with fury that hasn't been seen in decades.
Spectacular displays of ash billowed into the atmosphere. Lava flows streak down the sides of the mountain and could be seen by orbiting satellites. Some of the glowing lava shot three quarters of a mile into the air. Now I'm sure many will say that's a con that was a coincidence. It was not to me. I was, I was dumbfounded.
I mean, I was like, wow, God wants us to remember this.
The following week, Thursday, Thursday morning, four days after sharing this vision and prophecy, I was awakened with another prophetic download that is right now unfolding right in front of us. I'd gone to bed that night the night before medit meditating on Jeremiah 29 and verse 10. I was going to, I was thinking about preaching on Sunday morning where God's promises, or God promises his people, I will visit you and perform my good word to you.
The word perform is the Hebrew word, לָקוּם. And it means to stand up, but it also is a construction term. It's a construction term, meaning to build, to rise up and build or rise up and construct, I will stand and build my words to you. I will stand and construct my words for you. Visit is an interesting Hebrew word.
Doesn't mean what many may think it means. It does not mean that the word visit does not mean I'll stop by and we'll visit a while. No, it's more like I will visit. The word I decree upon you and upon your conditions, I will visit these words upon your times. I will visit them upon your, your adversaries, your enemies.
The, the Hebrew word for visit is מִפקָד, מִפקָד. It's interesting. It means to muster, means to attack. מִפקָד means to oversee warriors in battle. Like you're the leader of them, you lead them. It means to organize troops for battle. Greek scholar Spiros Zodiades says it's used 120, 110 times in the old Testament, meaning to draw troops to a battle.
It's action that benefits the people of God. מִפקָד and לָקוּם together. I will stand up and draw my troops into organized battle. That's what I'm going to do. He says this three years ago, I will stand up and draw my troops into organized battle. The language he used was that of a general or a King, some kind of a ruler in front of the troops.
I will call up, I will call up my angel armies for battle. I will call up my remnant. In organized battle. That's this moment. Why? To construct my words for my people to build it into their times. I'll build it in their times. I will organize the battle plans so that my warriors clear the way for my words to be constructed For my people's benefits.
The next morning I went to bed thinking about this, this passage. The next morning I awakened to the voice of the Lord, giving me more of the prophetic word he is now constructing into this time now, time now I awakened and I heard the Lord give me this download. I heard the Lord say, you will see, you will now see the mighty deliverance
Elijah saw from the oppressors of Ba'al in your time. Sadly, we do have some oppressors of Ba'al in our time. You will now see mighty deliverance from the oppressors of Ba'al in your time. Freedom from the constraints of Jezebel. I will activate. Her fall is planned. You will dance the dance of Miriam's Miriam's victory dance, the horse and the rider thrown into the sea.
And I knew some kind of victory is going to be given. That is going to cause great rejoicing and dancing among the people of God. Great joy. You will shout the shout of Gideon. The sword of the Lord has been revealed. You will shout the sword of the Lord. And his Ecclesia, you will decree the word of Isaiah.
There is now double for our trouble. Grace has multiplied. The seeds of your enemies have ended. No weapon prospered. All who rose in vengeance failed. My people will declare, "*Our God is mighty to save! Our God is mighty to save! Our God is mighty to save!* *There is relief from our tormentors. Our sorrow has turned to joy!*
*Grieving has somersaulted into laughter!*" I remember thinking that's interesting somersaulted? Okay... grief has *flipped* into laughter. You will say as Mordecai, Haman's work has boomeranged back on his head. You will say as Esther, the King's authority is within our reach. The scepter of power is stretched forward to us.
We reign in the King's authority, we validate with the King's signet ring. We changed the fate of nations with the King's authority. You will say as my people in Persia's oppression, the tables have turned and the overpowerers have been overpowered. My Ecclesia will overpower those who sought to overpower them.
My Ecclesia will overpower hell's overrated power. They will overpower with ever increasing authority, the evil decrees and the evil doctrines of devils. This will occur in media, in culture, In education, in government, fake news, fake propaganda will be uncovered. Fake power, stolen authority will be uncovered and overpowered.
That is happening. Fake news, fake propaganda is being uncovered right in front of our eyes. It's uncovered. You can see it clearly. They lied. They lied and they kept lying and they kept lying. They kept lying. It's so clear. And now their stolen authority will be overpowered by the truth of the king's ecclesia.
What we have declared as true is coming to pass. Real overwhelming power will be seen within my ecclesia overpowering the forever loser and his kingdom mark it down, says the Lord of hosts. I've never had him say that to me before, but if he's going to mark something down, he's wanting us to remember it mark it down, says the Lord.
*The United States Congress will become concerned with my will!* They will see the tables turn. They have built a house on sand and overpowering winds will blow against them whirlwinds of change will be seen! In January. I think it was January of this year. There was something on the news about the. The the, the election campaign or what, what do they call it when they're having in, in Chicago, they're having the big meeting with the Democrats.
And what is it? [the convention] Yeah. But when I heard that, I heard Holy Spirit say, the _windy city_ will now become _*whirlwind city*_. I think it's going to happen. I think it's already happening.
The authority of Antichrist covenant breakers will see their authority waning. Their authority will be handed to another.
Their influence will bring diminishing returns. "Suddenlies" will rain upon them. Traps set will spring. I have planned them. They will release and destroy political rebels. My Ecclesia is taking her seat with the King of glory, ruling and reigning with him from an exalted position of power. Yes. An *overpower*.
Yes. A far superior power. Yes. An exalted spiritual government with real authority that affects the natural realm. They will not fight from earth's realms. They will fight from heavenly places and with overpowering authority, they will change earth realms. Yes. Hmm. This next one, just, I remember it, but they will re-seat Congress *with those who recognize my will*.
I think they're already talking about that could happen. For the time has come for the grand opening of a church the King has built for these times. The church the King is constructing for this era power from heaven is being poured upon it. And the enemy's reversals has been planned. The *table-turning* era has begun the *ruling and reigning* era of my remnant has begun the *signs and wonders and miracle* era
has begun. The *harvest* era has begun. The era of *overpowering power* has begun. Wow! So much to that. I wanted to highlight a few of the things that God had shown pastor Tim freedom from the constraints of Jezebel will happen now. So again, Jezebel. We talked about the title of this today is called Jezebel's alliances are crumbling, and you're going to be hearing more about Jezebel as we go through this prophetic report today.
So there you go. He, he released that their freedom from the constraints of Jezebel will happen now. Grieving has somersaulted into laughter. I mean, you think about doing a somersault. It's interesting because my niece who has some little ones she was doing a somersault. And so my sister was like, well, let me try it.
And so she did a somersault. And then my son Colton, he was like, well, I want to try somersault. So it was interesting how that somersault was contagious. Where we were all like, Oh, if you're doing it, I want to try it. So grieving has somersaulted into laughter. So exciting. What we have declared as true is coming to pass.
There's declarations. Take authority in Jesus name. We're going to hear more about that authority. Here is something I just want you to plant in your mind. We keep hearing about, What's going to possibly happen in Chicago? Because if you go back to the dream that Chris Reed had, if you guys remember about the 1968 event, it's back into, it's back in Chicago this year.
And then for the Lord to say the Windy City will now become Whirlwind City. Pretty interesting. Again, talking about authority. They will re seat Congress with those that know my will, says the Lord. Says that we're in a harvest era and an era of reversals. I mean, so exciting. So many great things coming.
I'm going to now take you to Julie Green. I'm so excited. Julie is actually coming in studio for an in person interview. We're going to be doing it this Friday, but I'm not sure exactly when it's going to come out because that does take some work. Usually those are a couple hours, sometimes longer.
But we're going to be talking this Friday and then I'll let you guys know when that's going to be released. I'm really excited about that interview. But she had received a prophetic word from the Lord on July the 6th, 2024. She delivered it on July the 8th, 2024. And it's called an election is near, but not how you suppose.
Check this out. My children. I Am telling you this day an internal collapse of the establishment is taking place before your eyes. You have a great divide, bringing a great fear and confusion and turmoil. As I have said before, they are turning on each other to save themselves. A collapse of a government is near.
O United States, a great fall of a coup and of an administration that was never meant to be. One that was a show. It was never real. A great collapse of a narrative and a big lie upon this earth. Things have been building up until this very time. I told you an eruption would take place, an eruption of truth that is destroying and tearing apart this lie that held you in great captivity.
An election is near, but not how you suppose. I told you my children, unconventional, something you will see that you will not see coming. No, not in this way. An unprecedented chain of events is near. Events that will change the course, not only of this nation, but nations all around the world. Events that will bring down the giants that took over a nation that never belonged to them.
Giants who infiltrated, stole, manipulated, embedded themselves into your government and everywhere in your nation. To overthrow the American people and any rights they had. My army is moving forward, advancing in their movements to remove every last one of them from your nation and your government.
Hold on, my United States, for great change is coming. A reset is taking place. Removals will begin to pick up speed in ways you would never have thought of. My children in the land of my eagle, the scenery in your nation will dramatically change. How things are now. To how things were meant to be. Not only a government will be eradicated, but the ones who put them there in those positions will be annihilated with them,
including your three letter agencies, their power, their control, their hidden assignments, their agenda will be exposed big time. Whistleblowers will come from everywhere. It is now time for their boldness to crush the head of the snake that has brought great deception to this land. I told you before the "old guard" will be brought out
from their hiding places; be put out in the open on display to be exposed to be removed and brought to nothing!
A DOJ whistleblower is about to come forward to bring down that department and bring it to nothing. A great landslide of events has started to bring down the corruption in my land.
The Secretary of Defense will be removed out of his position, and not as you suppose. It's all coming. Great exposures with more vacating of seats of power. Secrets are coming out like never before. My children get ready for these removals and these great changes. My nation is shaking loose from its captors,
*never* to be taken hostage again! So my children keep praying, keep believing. I Am moving. I Am saving my nation and Red Sea like moments will take place one after another and nobody else will take the credit or the glory for this mighty victory in this nation. Sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. Whoo. Okay. So much to that.
I want to go back to the title. An election is near, but not how you suppose it'd be really interesting to see how God does that. And then an internal collapse of the establishment is taking place before your eyes. You have a great divide, bringing great confusion, fear, and turmoil. They are turning on each other.
An eruption of truth that is destroying and tearing apart this lie. And my army is moving forward to remove every one, every last one of the giants. Man, exciting. All right. I'm going to take you to Joseph Z. This was this was delivered on July the 7th, 2024. This is really interesting because I had received it and then I was actually talking to Ginger and Ginger and I, Ginger started talking about this and the significance of it.
And I had mentioned a few things that God had highlighted about the debate. I'm not, sorry, not about the debate, about the interview. That Joe Biden had had after, after the debate and Joseph Z talks about it as well. And it's truly this judgment began in the house of God and will now arrive on the house of man.
And that is what we're getting ready to see. Check this out. Let me share this with you. Look at this. This is something I began to realize. So they're interviewing Biden. Stephanopoulos is just, just a couple of days ago. They're interviewing him. And in this interview, one of the things he says is, is if the great Lord, the good Lord comes down and tells me to step down, I will, but he hasn't come down yet.
Three or four times in that interview, including from Stephanopoulos, they referenced the good Lord coming down. And I've got to tell you, there was a prophetic unction that rose up in me as they were talking so flippantly about the good Lord coming down. And I'm here to say right now, *the good Lord is coming down!*
And he's coming down with clarity, and he's coming down for this nation, because *God is going to *_*rescue*_* America*. God's going to rescue this nation! It's going to be very costly, we're going to go through a great time of challenge, but now listen, I feel something so powerful in my spirit. So I'm going to begin to share now what I saw and I've been praying over this because I know I'm supposed to share this with you.
Pray for me as I release this to you.
This judgment that will come against the house of man is involving the governments and systems of man. And the Lord is stepping in and intervening because people prayed. We are salt and light preserving this nation. Broadcasts like mine, you who are out there standing in faith and being a light in darkness.
*God is coming!*
And this is going to be a blow to the spirit of antichrist. That's what this is about.... we have one system that is functioning on the spirit of antichrist and we have another system That's trying to find its way and say should Christians get involved? Should Christians really stand up? Should we really rise up and
speak up during this season? And the Spirit of the Lord is saying Yes! The Spirit of the Lord is empowering his church, he's empowering his people, he's empowering you to rise up in the middle of this present evil age and overcome it by the blood of the Lamb and making a greater avenue to preach the gospel.
Now there are things that are going to come at the end of this time that are biblical and absolutely the prophecies in the Bible will go fulfilled, they will happen, but it's the time in _between now and the _*_absolute_* End of Days that we have a chance to make a difference. And the spirit of the Lord is saying, as you rise up, as you press through, as you lean in by faith, we're going to begin to have one more round.
The nation will stand up. The people of God, we're going to see a turnover, a do over from what happened in 20 and I've seen do over after do over. I was in Trump tower in 2015 and just two weeks ago, or no, not, excuse me, not two weeks ago, just a few days ago on our, on our anniversary, We were gifted a trip and we went to a place that was Trump Tower, formerly Trump Tower.
We didn't even know until we were in the building and the Lord said, it's a do over. It's a do over. And again, it comes around and I'm telling, and in, in, in 2020, we didn't go to no Trump Tower. We didn't do any of that. But now all of a sudden. It's a do over for the first time, like the first time we're going back again.
It's a do over. Now let me get through this word. This is really important. Please listen intently. Repost this everywhere you can. This is a strong prophetic word for the nation. It's a strong prophetic word for what's happening with the Manchurian candidate. It's a strong prophetic word for what's happening in every sector of our culture.
We are about to have a collision with the spirit of Antichrist and the spirit of Jezebel. That's going to take such a monumental hit. It's going to be very costly, but I see another day coming. Now, let me get into this. Here's what I saw. Judgment began in the house of God started about a year ago, different leaders, different platforms began in the house of God as an authorization for judgment to come to the house of man, because it begins in the house of God, and then it goes to the world.
That's what I saw. A wave of exposure and judgment has washed through the church, and it's going to continue. It's going to continue. Leaders who we never thought would be exposed were, for two years, the Lord kept speaking to me. Leaders who we never thought,* never thought*, would have issues or whatever, they would be exposed.
It would be shocking to us. That has happened, and I believe there's more to come. And I have mercy in my heart. I'm a Galatians 6 guy. But when we're looking at this, and what the Lord is saying, we're looking at the terrain. We're looking at what's happening. Please hear me intently with the eyes of your heart and the Holy Spirit tonight.
But this wave of exposure and judgment has washed through the church and will continue. Leaders who we never thought would be exposed Have been and more to come judgment began in the house of God. And now the time of exposure and judgment will visit the worldly institutions and the institutions of church and Christianity, which have persecuted the righteous and the new moves of God.
They themselves will reap what they have sown. And listen, I got mercy and love for everybody. I'm just, I'm just releasing what I sense so powerfully in my spirit. I saw this year one, This coming year, the coming year, year one will be a preview and a begin and begin to set the new stage, year one.
And then I keep seeing two years of fire and four years until a new beginning. Daniel 5 verse 25 is the scripture I see over the current wicked leadership. And this is not just for one leader, it's for many. I saw this over a Bill Gates figure. I released that word, and many people have shared it and commented on it.
I began to see a word over him and others like him, and I'll get more specific in a moment. But let me give you this. Here's the word I saw. Daniel 5, verse 25. _And this is the inscription that was written. "_*_M'ne, m'ne t'kel ufarsin_*_". It means you've been weighed, you've been tested, and you have been found lacking_.
A reaping is maturing unto those who have continually denied their divine purpose and willfully turned their faces away from the living God. They are sowing to the wind, and they are going to reap a whirlwind. It's coming. Symbolically, the image of gates. I saw him. I saw Gates. I saw Gates. And I saw all the things that he thinks he's getting away with and the way he was mentored and how he's doing things.
And I saw a line drawn from him to Buffett, to Warren Buffett. I began to see Berkshire Hathaway. I began to see all these things that, that were drawn towards this. And then I began to see Gates and I began to see many of them around Gates that would turn on him either privately or publicly but something is about to turn for that man Now I prophesied this over Disney about two years ago, and it took a year for that to take place But I just feel this so urgently.
I'm saying it right now. There's going to begin to see you're going to see a Sowing and a reaping of sorts of betrayal that will be reaped by these people. There's coming a change with Buffett. There's coming a change with Gates. There's coming a change with these people. Something is happening in the spirit that has been decreed and it will manifest in the natural.
Now, I'm looking at this also. I saw this line like an invisible line drawn from Gates to Buffett and to others.
For the seed has been sown of betrayal and it has not been repented of. And now a harvest is coming to those who would harm the innocent for their own purposes. The World Economic Forum, elites, global influencers, entertainers, along with so many, so many,
who traded their values to gain for themselves and acquire political control.
These shadow manipulators, *shadow manipulators*, and wicked alliances will go into a time of great unrest. Familiar voices and faces will come into scrutiny and exposure. Ministers who celebrate and have celebrated the ungodly activities and weaknesses in the church will themselves become blind and begging for the word of the Lord.
They'll become like Samson blind and begging for the word of the Lord.
I saw a time where many elites and individuals and many people that feel so arrogant and so high and mighty.
I saw a time where they were congratulating and celebrating with one another.
And then _suddenly_ *confusion* began to rotate into their midst. Information and more information and blackmail and *treason* and selling their soul and unavoidable controversy shall grow and them and their towers will begin to shake.
The complete loss of power with the deep fear that they begin to face will be in front of them. They will fear the _complete_ loss of their power, and this is beginning to come across the horizon and seen right now... ...for it is appointed once for a man or a woman to cease
and to be unalive and then eternity awaits. And I feel that around some of these characters that I mentioned regarding business characters that, that seem like a Gates character, a Buffett character, other ones that seem like they're good and they're, they're upstanding. I'm telling you the spirit of the Lord is bringing a *now* shaking to it.
Man made weather will be exposed by whistleblowers. That's coming
and more and more and the correction of a false energy crisis will have its day of answering to a fresh authority because there is a fresh authority coming on the land.
The sheriffs are about to change.
On the other side of exposure and revealing will be those who sheltered themselves. Now, this is something interesting I began to see. On the other side of this exposure, this revealing, this shaking, this collision, this Antichrist smashing that's about to happen. On the other side of the exposure and revealing will be those who sheltered themselves.
Among the righteous, even though they themselves are not of them, they're not righteous, but they will shelter themselves among the righteous.
These will remain hidden and quiet and witness a movement of patriotism in the United States.
They will remain hidden for a time for fear of backlash.
A showdown will intersect after the 2024 cycle where we pick our leaders and into the 2025 scene, and it will be, I heard the words, the people's movement. *The people's movement*. In the hands of the *people* is the *future* of this land, and they will have yet *another opportunity*. Another opportunity to see the nefarious players for what they really are.
And a battle of intercession, decision, and action, and action against the wicked is now going to rage. And I hear this. We who have the opportunity, and those in this generation, if they do not see this through, I heard the Spirit of the Lord say something to me about this today. If they do not see this through, as the Lord is opening up a window of opportunity, if they do not see this through, to walk through the window of opportunity and *stand*, then generation Alpha will rise up many years from now, and Generation Alpha will rise, and at an unimaginable cost, we'll see this season's current word come to pass in their time, and we will miss the window.
But I believe in my spirit we're not going to miss the window. I believe it's coming. Now let me talk about the Manchurian Candidate. I prophesied in 2020. That he'd be removed and there'd be a good chance Kamala would go in. I had a vision about her face and Trump's face, and they're right by each other at the same time.
And his face got faded and her step forward. And then the Lord showed me she'd become VP and we shared that back then. And now _if we stand up and rise_, her or another like her will *not* take office. I don't think that the Manchurian Candidate is going to go down without a major, major fight. But I believe this week is pivotal.
It is pivotal. Maybe even tomorrow. But it's very pivotal. So here's what I want to say to you. I believe, just like it says in 1 Peter 4:17 and Daniel 5:25. Over Biden, _*M'ne, m'ne t'kel ufarsin*_. That is a Hebrew saying that Daniel, the prophet interpreted off the wall. When the handwriting came in, in Belshazzar's palace, as he was stealing from the temple of God to use the articles of gold and silver in their parties and use it against God.
And they violated the spirit of the Lord. And they said, find someone who can interpret this. And Daniel walked in. And he's like, yeah, I can interpret it. Nobody could understand it. And Daniel could interpret it because after all, he was Hebrew and it was written in Hebrew. And I want to say something to you right now that has been written over these wicked elites.
It means this, they've been weighed, tested, and they have been found lacking. That's true. I did see Kamala crying.
Now a lot can happen between now and I drew that picture about the year and I drew that river going through it. And I heard the spirit of the Lord say to me the other day, the river is broken and I think there's truly a panic and a spirit of confusion, but make no mistake. They wanted this debate sooner.
They pushed for it. They wanted it. They want to off him. They want to get him out of the way. And if he doesn't step down willingly, they're going to find another way to do it. If he ends up going all the way through. And they try to go down this avenue. Then the Spirit of the Lord is going to make a way no matter what.
All I know is I'm looking at what I'm seeing, and I'm discerning what I'm looking at. 1 Chronicles chapter 12 verse 32 says, The sons of Issachar, they knew the signs of the times. They could tell what needed to be done. They discerned the signs of the times, and they knew what should be done about it. And third, they knew the people they were to run with.
And that's what the Lord is doing right now. And I, I'm telling you, even at the end of the prophecy I gave four years ago, I said, during that same year, I said Roe v. Wade would be overturned because the Spirit of the Lord prophesied it to us. I'm just repeating what I heard him say. The Spirit of the Lord prophesied that Roe v.
Wade would be overturned by the Supreme Court. Then I saw clearly that Biden would be. Most likely removed. And the only reason they let her in, and this is what the Lord showed me in 20, the only reason they let her in Kamala is because they knew they had it in the bag. If you get my meaning, if they didn't know, they had it in the bag.
She was going to go and run in another capacity. I saw it.
And then three years ago, when I saw Trump and I began to look at him and everybody's saying this and that about him, I saw him and the spirit of Lord quickened to me, as I looked at him, he did not want to run. Right after the loss and after all the legal fights, he was forced to get involved or they would persecute him to the end.
He knew it. He was forced. He got dragged back into this and he saw the people rising up everywhere and it's like it stirred his own heart and said, I'm going to go for it.
I don't know the whole narrative with Michelle or any of these people. I don't know if Mikey's going to do something there. I don't know. I haven't seen that yet, but I do know I saw a new character and that could be Kamala, it could be Mikey. It could be any of them. It could be Newsome, but I sense first and foremost, they got to deal with the Kamala issue.
Well, actually they're going to deal with The Biden issue. Then they got to deal with Kamala.
So I see something really happening. Even this week, there's going to be a lot taking place this week. We need to be praying and interceding, but I have good news for you. I have good news for you. I've seen three things that he had to overcome and then he would get in. The first one he just did, and that was this upcoming July the 11th date, practically drew it on the board.
The timeline drew it right down the board. And of course other people have prophesied it. Chris prophesied it. Other people prophesied the date. I believe because we prayed. And many people have prayed, I believe that that got moved back. And now they're even saying that because it got moved back, that there may not even be a trial because he could just get elected.
The second thing that he's got to face, the second thing is another new character, whether it is Mr. Manchurian with the Easter bunny as a GPS system on the lawn or not, but then third, it'll be the actual process itself. The actual process itself. Meaning how we pick our leaders this time, but there feels like an uprising, like there's, there's enough eyes on things and enough people standing.
And there's been some change in legislation. And then in the middle of that, I believe the fires will begin to happen. I believe that we're going to see a shaking and turmoil. Everybody keeps talking. It's like predictive programming about power grids. We've been talking about power grids for four years by the spirit of the Lord.
And it's interesting. I see these things in advance. And then when the Lord has us pray through them, what I sense is, is that we can avert it, we can stop it, we can go around it, we can circumvent the issue. So I believe we have two years of fire and right sizing,
I really do, and an urgency is here. But let me, let me say this to you one more time. I saw judgment towards those that are like Gates, strings going to people like
Buffett, Musk, other ones. I believe that there's going to be a turning and a betrayal behind the scenes. Maybe it'll make the public of Gates
and I believe very clearly what I've seen. Is that they are now gearing up to replace. And this is nothing new. Many of us have been saying this for a long time, but it's now shocking and new to so many people,
but don't fall for it. All of this is by design. He's pretty stubborn,
but the Lord's going to make a way where there has been no way. Because God cares about you. He cares about your children. Okay, so this is interesting We are going to see a do over of what happened in 2020 and then a time of exposure will visit the worldly That's interesting. So he was talking about church leaders and then he brought up that now if you remember Tim sheets Just talked about the DNC that's happening in Chicago.
And he said the Windy City will now become a whirlwind city. Well, the Lord said through through Joseph that they are going to reap a whirlwind. And then their towers will begin to shake. We're going to, we've heard about shaking, a complete loss of power. And then Trump, three things, he's going to, God told him needed to happen.
July the 11th date was changed. That was a victory. Another new character will be introduced and then an actual election that it goes the way it's supposed to go turning and betrayal of gates. That was really interesting. And then I wanted to talk about this whole thing of Jezebel. So we hear the name again, Jezebel, and we're getting ready to hear it again from the title.
The title actually came from this next prophet, but collision with the spirit of Jezebel. is what the Lord just said through Joseph Z. Tim Sheets, the Lord said, freedom from the constraints of Jezebel will happen now. And then Mike Thompson last week, which was June the 28th, 2024 on the prophetic report.
I had given this prophetic word. We have it written out here. This is This portion of it talking about Jezebel's alliances are crumbling, and this is what the Lord said through Mike Thompson. The Spirit of the Lord said the recent presidential debate resulted in two significant fractures, one between the White House and other Democrats, and the other between the White House and various world leaders.
Jezebel's alliances are crumbling. They will attempt sleight of hand deceptions and smoke and mirror diversions, but these tactics will not save them. I will open eyes to the deception and my spirit will blow away the smoke and I, through my people, will continue to speak truth and justice into the atmosphere.
Yes, we receive it in Jesus name. I'm going to now take you to Bob Jones wife, Bonnie Jones, and she had a very Interesting dream. In fact, there's two of them here. She received it back in June, but was really praying into it. She brought, she brought it to prophets. They talked through it. And then she released this on July the 5th, 2024 talking about baptism of fire return of the gold standard reinstatement of the Southern borders and sure mercies of David.
Check this out. Greetings everyone! Well I have a very
Interesting prophetic dream that I want to share with you today. Actually the Lord gave it to me mid June. I've prayed about this for three weeks. I've sought other prophetic voices to get their thoughts and insight on this. And I really feel that the Lord gave it to me, that it needs to be shared.
And bear with me. Okay. I want to bring this in the best way I know how. You may even receive more from it and that's good. But I want to share the dream with you and give you the interpretation that I believe the Lord has given me. And there's, there's a lot in this. Okay. It's actually two dreams, but the one is longer.
Okay. So in this dream, it looks like a hotel setting. I'm in a very large living room with a very large. Fireplace, and it's, you know, burning nicely. It's a real fireplace, burning nicely. And standing in front of that fireplace is Donald Trump. And he and I are married. That's the thing. We are married. And.
He is wrapped in a white linen cloth. All right. It's like he has just showered and he's wrapped in this bath sheet, whatever. And I was going in the bedroom to change my clothes. So I did, when I walked into the bedroom to my surprise. There were two twin size beds with a nightstand between them.
And it's funny, like I said, I know that we are married and he's like, what, six foot three, six foot four. And I thought, how in the world are we going to fit into that bed? And I knew that we would be in the bed on the as I was facing it, the left side, so I looked at that and it was, it was a bed, but it was also It doubled as a shower.
So I looked on the nightstand, because I guess I was going to get a shower. I looked on the nightstand and there, there was a bar of soap. It was wrapped and it was like a rectangular bar of soap. So I, I unwrapped it. It was in white wrapping. I unwrapped it. And it was a gold bar of soap. Well, I put that down because I looked right there at the on the corner of the tub was, or the bed, was this oval shaped gold bar of soap.
And I picked that up. I thought, you know what, that fit very nicely in my hand. So that's what I was going to use. Well, apparently I showered. I. Put my towel around me, but it didn't quite fit right. So I went out into the room for him to help me and, like, very gently, you know, he just wrapped me tighter in that and it's like he was really covering me.
And then we walked into the bedroom, but now the focus where before it was on the, the two twin beds and the nightstand. It seemed totally different. The room was larger. And what came to my focus there, he had been in the room and there were several, probably five or six suitcases. And what he did, he lined them up sideways.
He laid them on their side and lined them up. And what he said to me was he set up a boundary because my, my four young grandchildren were in the room also, he set up a boundary so the children could play there and they would be safe. It's like they weren't going to get into the other side of the room, whatever, they would have a safe place to stay and to play.
And then he walked over to the closet, the closet door was open. And there was only one thing in that closet, and it was a red pair of trousers. And he picked that up and brought it across the room. He was going to wear those trousers. And I woke up from that dream. And immediately it's like, you know, I was kind of startled, I had a dream about Donald Trump, but immediately I saw a train.
And I had the knowing that Donald Trump thought that he had missed the train, but he didn't. He was right on time. And there were three tracks. And his train was on the middle track and I looked at the time and the time was 5:53 in the morning. Well, I knew immediately that the time was an indication of Isaiah 55:3.
Now I want to read that. It says, incline your ear and come to me here and your soul shall be saved. And I will make an everlasting covenant with you, the sure mercies of David. Now, I'll tell you what, I was up and writing this down and began meditating on what is the Lord saying to me in this. And I want to go back over the dream and tell you what I believe the Lord was saying.
I feel that I, he and I are married. Okay. So if we're married, I believe that I just represent the bride of Christ, the church, and I feel that he is going to have a spiritual experience with the Lord and come into that baptism of fire. Remember he's in the living room. Bob would say this. Your mind is your living room.
He was in the living room in front of that fire. And that fire was just, you know, burning really strong. And and I believe that he has a passion. Okay. He has a passion for America. He has a passion for people, but I feel that he's going to come into that baptism of the Holy Spirit. Spirit. Okay. And he's going to be baptized in the fire of God.
Okay. So that's one thing I believe he's already, I think he's had a nodding experience with the Lord, but I believe as scripture said here, you know, incline your ear and come to me. And I feel that's a call for all of us, but. You know, it was a calling for him, come near to me. He can't just be dating the bride.
He needs to be married to her, be intimate with her. And how does he do that is through relationship with the Lord. The two beds, there are two twin size bed and twin of course is two, but the fact is there were two twin size beds and a stand, a night stand in the middle. So to me, I believe it was two terms with a gap in between.
So not consecutively, but intermittent. I think it was Grover Cleveland that had you know, he was president and then he was not, and then he was reelected. But I also feel. That means he just can't have a one night stand with Christianity. You know, he needs to make a commitment. And I believe that's something that he, he is going to do.
He needs to be totally committed to the people. He can't just talk the talk. He needs to be walking the walk. Okay. Now the two bars of soap. I thought this was rather significant also. Remember the first one. The first one I picked up, it was like rectangular shaped and it was wrapped. When I unwrapped it, it was gold, which to me speaks of a gold bar, but I set it down and I picked up the gold oval shaped one.
And to me, I feel that represents the oval office. Okay. The Oval Office. And once he's back in the Oval Office, I believe it's a timing that the gold standard will be reinstated. It has to be back in office, then the gold standard will be reinstated. But, you know, he, he's all about gold, but then look in scripture, who was all about gold also.
King Solomon. How about the Lord? Haggai 2:8 says that the Lord, he says, gold is mine. The silver is mine. It's all his. And gold represents power. Gold is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. And, you know, if you think about it, the Ark of the covenant, the Ark of It is pure gold and it's overlaid.
The mercy seat is overlaid with pure gold. So there's nothing wrong with, I mean, people make fun of him because of all the gold. Well, you know, it is a picture of power and I'll tell you, if there's something we need right now in this nation is power. We need the power of God. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to be moving.
Let me see here also. I think there's, I know a couple of years ago, I think it was in 2017. I had a dream where I saw Donald Trump in a John boat and he was fishing. He caught this really big fish. All right. But you know what happened? He had a golden retriever that jumped in the boat with him. And at that time I thought.
You know, this is talking about the gold standard and I really still believe that. I believe that America is going to return to the gold standard. Okay. The suitcases, when we went into the room, there were the suitcases and I don't know, there had to be like five or six suitcases lined up side to side.
I believe that he is going to. Rebuild the wall that, that Southern, at the Southern border, it's going to be once again, a safe place for our children right now, you know, no matter where you live, you're afraid to let them outside. But I believe through his administration, he's going to reestablish that Southern border and then the red trousers.
Well, I didn't even know there was a closet in that room. The first time I said the focus was on those two beds. And the second time was a suitcases. And now he has these red trousers that he's going to put on. And Bob would always say that from the waist down, it represents your base nature. So I feel that he's going to be wearing a new trousers.
Your base nature, of course, as he would say, your base nature, nature is your sinful nature. That's why it's from the, the waist down, but I believe that it represents the blood of Jesus. And I believe as he comes into this baptism of the Holy Spirit, he's going to be a totally transformed individual.
Okay. Now that second dream, like I said, I, I, saw and heard that he thought he missed the train, but he didn't. He was right on time and he made the train, but it was the middle track. You see, I don't think he's really Republican, Democrat. He is for all Americans. He is right in the middle. He's in the midst of things.
He's on the middle track. He is. For everybody, not for the rich, not for the poor, he's for everyone. And as I said, Isaiah 55:3, if you incline your ear and come to me, I said, this is all of us, then your soul shall live and I will make an everlasting covenant with you. The sure mercies of David.
Now, what are the sure mercies of David? I want to read out of second Samuel seven, verse eight and nine. Oh, this is the Lord talking to David now, therefore, thus you shall say to my servant, David, he's speaking to Nathan to speak to David. Thus says the Lord of hosts. I took you from the sheepfold.
From following the sheep to be ruler over my people, over Israel. And I have been with you wherever you have gone and have cut off all your enemies from before you and have made you a great name, like the name of the great men who are on the earth. Now, David was not a perfect man and, you know, all the difficulties that he had and, you know, he was with Bathsheba, had her husband killed, had a baby, you know.
It's just a lot of different things, but he was a man after God's heart. The sure mercies of David, David cleaned up his act. He loved God and he really turned things around and he made things right. And God blessed him. And what did it say here? He said, he took them from the sheepfold and made him ruler over His people.
Well, that's what I feel the Lord is doing here with Mr. Trump. And he said, I have cut off all your enemies from before you. That's if you read over in chapter six, you'll see that's exactly what happened. He cut off all of David's enemies and made him a great man among, among men. So I believe that as we stand, we need to be standing for this nation.
And as we do, we have one who will reestablish the borders and I believe reestablish the gold standard. And I believe the enemy is going to be cut off all of the, those who have come against him. Lord is going to cut off. And I'm saying not that he's going to kill them. Of course they could, but you know what I'm saying?
He is going to expose all of the things that have been wrong, done wrongly against him, because God is merciful and he is a man, he is a God of justice. That's the thing. And we need to be standing with God instead of criticizing everybody around us and especially our leaders, we need to be looking at people the way God sees them.
When I saw Donald Trump, I said, I knew that we were married, but I saw him in this white like robe, this white linens, see, God sees him as righteous. All right, he sees us as righteous. If you're born again, he sees us as righteous and he sees the finished product. He doesn't just see me as the homemaker that I used to be.
He sees me as, you know, the finished product, what he has called me to do and to be, and the same way with you and the same way with Mr. Trump. Okay. So I would say pray. Pray for our nation. Pray for our leaders. Pray for Mr. Trump. We need to get this nation turned back around to God righteousness. If we have a spirit filled, God fearing man in the Oval Office, I believe, you know, he, Can have that Midas touch and everything he touches will turn to gold.
And I'm not saying literal gold, but it will be for the good, the betterment of this nation. That is really exciting. So, as I was looking through this, a big part of that is praying for the leaders. God is calling us to pray for the leaders right now, praying for president Trump and what God's doing in his life.
It's just really exciting. Again, baptism of fire returned to the gold standard, reinstate the Southern borders and sure mercies of David. We receive it in Jesus name. I want to take you now to Barry Wunsch. Now this was an interesting one because I received this from several people. There was multiple, I think there was three different out of all of the ladies that helped to put together the show, three different ladies that sent me this, if you go to the prophetic report.
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