How Hamas Leaders Ismail Haniyeh And Saleh Al-Arouri Celebrated While Watching October 7th Clips

1 month ago

Posted • July 31, 2024: Benjamin Netanyahu held a press conference on Wednesday to officially announce the deaths of two top terrorists, signaling a scorched earth approach shortly after meeting with Kamala Harris. On Tuesday, it was confirmed that an IDF airstrike killed Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr. Not only had he been leading the effort to bombard Israel with rockets over the last year, but he was also responsible for the bombing of a U.S. Marines barracks in Beirut in 1983. Vengence was finally delivered. Wednesday brought about another huge victory when Hamas' most senior political leader Ismail Haniyeh was blown up in Tehran, Iran in a pre-dawn attack. Whether you know his name or not, you've undoubtedly seen Haniyeh in various videos and interviews. He and other Hamas leaders stole billions of dollars from relief efforts and fled to Qatar after remaining in Syria became impossible due to the civil war there.

Infamously, Haniyeh was filmed thanking "Allah" immediately after the October 7th attack on Israel. Let's just say he's not celebrating anymore. Clip of how Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Saleh al-Arouri celebrated while watching October 7th clips. Israel turned both of them to chunky salsa. 🥰 During his press conference, Netanyahu reiterated that he and his country will not stop until justice is fully served. That means no one is safe, including terrorist leaders in Iran and Lebanon. This doesn't stop until they are all dead, including Hamas leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar. To up the ante a bit more, there are also unconfirmed reports floating around that Israel killed Iranian IRGC commander Amir Ali Hajizadeh in Syria. Netanyahu did not mention that in his press conference, though it has taken days in the past for Israel to acknowledge when Iranian officials are killed.

Regardless, I don't think this sudden burst of energy out of the Israelis happening immediately after Netanyahu met with Harris is a coincidence. -- Netanyahu met Harris, came back home, and said: "The time to take care of business is now". Israel knows that Harris will seek to appease Iran and preserve Hamas rule in Gaza no matter how much she tries to ride the fence. The time to act is now when Joe Biden is completely AWOL and America has no real president. Harris would no doubt be even less helpful than Biden has been, and Israel knows that. With Haniyeh out of the picture, Sinwar is the big fish left to take out. Doing so would represent a death blow to Hamas. Israel clearly fears what a Harris administration would do to prevent that and they are taking action now. The expectation is that things will get hotter from here, especially if Iran retaliates.

RedState: After Meeting With Kamala Harris, Benjamin Netanyahu Goes Scorched Earth

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