New Recordings Of Sean Grayson Being Disciplined 20 Months Before Fatal Shooting Of Sonya Massey

2 months ago

New recordings of Sean Grayson, the Chicago police officer who shot & killed an unarmed Soyna Massey in her own home, show him being interrogated & disciplined for lying on the job 20 months before fatally shooting Massey in the head. Massey called for assistance due to a suspected prowler outside her home. Once in the home & after asking multiple questions Grayson told Massey to remove a pot for the stove. He then made a big deal about her holding the pot as she was attempting to pour it out. Massey then told the officer "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" a phrase implying a strong expression of disapproval, to Grayson implying she was going to hurt him with it. Grayson then closed the distance (something against protocol) & fired 3 shots & striking Massey in the face near her eye killing her instantly. Grayson has since been charged with 1st degree murder but only after several officers tried to cover it up. It is currently unknown as of now if the other officers knew what he had done or just went along with the original story that was presented. Either way they refused to tell Massey's Son or father what happened. The officers on scene told her father that he had been killed by an intruder & not one of the officers who was standing around them & then they outright refused to even give an answer to her son.

Source: @CBSNews













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