How do you make people believe a lie is the truth?

5 months ago

How do you make people believe a lie is the truth? The lie is planted in places where the public does not suspect that they are being lied to: in the mouth of a scientist or professor, in "news" in university curriculum, in "scientific" studies in the encyclopedia, and in any place where the public does not check, but blindly trusts
on authority.

Most importantly, don't overlook "entertainment"...when being entertained, humans let the cognitive guard down so to speak and therefore the "truth-detecting" firewalls are completely down and whatever is the content of the entertainment "program" goes straight into the sub-conscious mind unfiltered and unprocessed to any critical degree.
So whenever you sit down to "watch" a movie and you see the words "Based on true events"....this is to further weaken your critical cognitive faculties and is a signal to the mind to accept all that is henceforth presented as verifiable "fact" when of course we should know that Hollyweird is absolutely not in the business of "facts".
It is no wonder why literally billions of dollars are spent every year to pump out a mind-numbing quantity and variety of - "entertainment" is the single most powerful mind-control weapon simply because it is so effective.

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