Q & A Can parasite protocols be used for prevention?

7 months ago

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Q: What are the differences between treating an active parasitic infection and using a protocol for prevention?
A: There actually is no difference in the treatment between knowing you have parasites versus treating for prevention. You use the same dewormers, for the same length of time.
ALTHOUGH- the “once a month, full moon” maintenance approach is a 1 week follow up, after completing 2-6 months of extensive treatment.
Q: Are there specific lifestyle or hygiene practices that are more effective in preventing parasitic infections than a protocol?
A: YES! Soak produce in baking soda or hydrogen peroxide, avoid eating meat that is raw or partially cooked, make sure to treat pets with dewormers, limit swimming in questionable rivers/ponds/lakes. Wash hands and fingernails well after handling soil.
Q: Can periodic use of a parasite protocol help in high-risk environments or for frequent travelers?
A: Yes, I suggest my clients use a parasite protocol after trips to exotic or rustic locations. Parasites can be picked up in contaminated drinking water, fresh water bodies, sand/soil, and even bedding. Don’t be frightened…just treat for parasites, even when you don’t feel symptoms.
Q:What are the potential risks or side effects of using a parasite protocol as a preventive measure?
A: Herxheimer Response is the side effect I would recommend you be aware of, whether deworming as a preventative measure OR once you notice symptoms: fever/chills, nausea, headache, flushing, flu-like symptoms. These side effects happen due to the parasites throwing off ammonia during the first couple of days. I recommend using a tincture of Mimosa Pudica to help get you through those days. It will pass!

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