JESUS IS JEWISH 006 the biblical understanding of The Whole Armor of God

6 months ago

We are living in a time of great changes that are coming to the entire world. That MESSIAH spoke about in Mat 24:6-7 where HE speaks about;
Ref. Mat 24:6 "You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars.…
Ref. Mat 24:7 "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom
Ref. Mat 24:6 …See that you are not frightened

To not be frightened we must PROPERLY put on the whole armor of GOD.

BUT LISTEN CLOSELY you must understand what this means biblicaly
And that means first we must agree that Jesus is Jewish
That Hebrews 13:8 HE is the same Yesterday, today & forever
Also the FATHER according to Mal 3:6 "For I, YEHOVAH, do not change;

So what is the purpose of GOD scriptural?

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