Vaccinated Clown World #15

7 months ago

There is nothing wrong with judging the vaccinated. Don't allow any assholes to gaslight you into thinking otherwise about this. They judged us based on lies, so why not judge them back, but to do so based on the truth about how stupid they are for promoting and taking the life-threatening vaccines? You know, I might've at least had some sympathy for these fools if they at least didn't force these vaccines on children, but they don't even have the decency to not be that evil. The last post shows they not only intend to poison children against their will, but not even be honest about why they're now getting cancer from the vaccine. They have the gall to say that the vaccine is "cancer prevention". I laughed my ass off when I saw that for the first time. The vaccines don't prevent cancer, they cause it. Will the sheep ever realize this fact? Well, what difference does it make if they know or not now? They're still gonna die from the clotshot anyway. Nothing can save them now.

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