Tax Heaven USA: Business 101. Power.

2 months ago

Hello neighbor… Let’s hangout… If you wish…

Q: Do you want to learn how to instruct the people’s government entities?

Claim: The people are the political power and assemble together to instruct. Test us.

Word Practice.
INSTRUCT', verb transitive [Latin instruo, instructum; in and struo, to set or to put on, to furnish. The Latin struo is contracted from struco or strugo. See Destroy.] 1. To teach; to inform the mind; to educate; to impart knowledge to one who was destitute of it. The first duty of parents is to instruct their children in the principles of religion and morality. Websters Dictionary 1828.

Notice: The people create governments, assemble and instruct. (see evidence below):

Maxim of Law: 51o. All political power is inherent in the people by decree of God, thus none can exist except it be derived from them. American Maxim.

Maxim of Law: 51q. A frequent recurrence to fundamental principles and a firm adherence to justice, virtue, and original law, are indispensably necessary to preserve the blessings of liberty and good government. American Maxim.

California Constitution, 1879, Article I, Declaration of Rights. Sec. 10. The people shall have the right to freely assemble together to consult for the common good, to instruct their Representatives, and to petition the Legislature for redress of grievances.

Open Challenge: If you believe entities of the people have authority over their creators, then put some skin in the game and lets see who has the stronger words: the people or creatures of the people.

Offer: I wish to teach the people how to administer their trust entities called: Government.

Contact the Association if you wish to support, learn and oversee government entities by God with Love.

From: Alec,(Political Power Trainer)
One PMA. Independent Living Skills. Income Resource Strategy.

Notice: The government is to be subject to the law, for the law makes the government. 51b.

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