Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits...Psalm 103:2

7 months ago

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits..." Psalm 103:2

Let us praise today Jesus, for by Him we are able to have the hope of eternity in Heaven. Remember Christian, this world is not our home! Thank God He loves us so to have given up His one and only Son. Reflect on Jesus and the sacrifice He made, and let us live and love like Him until we are reunited in Heaven.

#Psalm1032 #BlessTheLord #PraiseJesus #HopeOfEternity #ChristianFaith #HeavenBound #GodsLove #JesusSacrifice #LiveLikeJesus #FaithJourney #ChristianLiving #ReflectOnJesus #EternalHope #ThankGod #GodsGrace #JesusLovesUs #ChristianInspiration #HeavenlyHome #FaithAndHope #GodsPromises

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