Brother Terence Howard do not throw your pearls amongst swine.

7 months ago

Wisdom is the eloquent mathematical expression of knowledge.

Brother Terence do not throw your pearls amongst swine.

Allah distanced you from the pig Eric Weinstein. He is the embodiment of the ‘Chronos Complex’, fear of genetic annihilation and a dumb devil.

He’s a cracker and his soul is calcified! He insulted you! He screamed at you, like a cracker, when you were teaching him “Don’t teach me!”. The illuminated know it is wisdom to know you can NEVER stop learning, because it is a journey even on your deathbed to discover you cannot comprehend the Mind of Allah, whom mapped our journey. Devils like Eric Weinstein go into the darkness screaming “NO!” Because he is losing his timed out conscious and we embrace it’s light because we are returning to the Source, the Bosom of Allah.

He mocked you stating “Don’t throw the baby(referring to you) out, with the bathwater”, while holding one of your concepts, he reduced to a new drone concept.

He is one of the main gatekeepers of hiding higher knowledge, elevated thinking from the masses of the people, to keep them mentally dumb, death and blind. This was the Deep State stooge John D. Rockefeller’s intent when implementing American schooling, to privily teach rulership principles to a few elites and mis-educate the masses enough to make them content laborers of exploiters, a job they compete for then some brag about.

These gatekeepers possess element 115 in its stable form but cannot engage. They released a synthetic unstable state to discourage young scientists from experiencing it! They cannot experiment with it because it take our Original Black minds (7 1/2 ounces of Spiritual Atoms, The Essence) to engage 115! A Traveling Mind engagement that can control another mapped space, mind, body and soul! We make man. This element is how we grow globes, like we do planets and Suns. It’s how we built the Pyramids around the World, 66 trillion years ago, to balance it like a tire weight does a car wheel. We are 76 trillion years a Universe motion among innumerable. Caucasians are linear thinking and measure by what they sense, light traveling billions of years. Our thought travels 24 billion miles per second. 129K times faster than light. A transcendence he cannot measure. Globes engage the Wheels. Caucasians get a peep of Heaven via DMT ingestion, where we play with them, like the children they are—most of the time. I cannot speak of other things we do in Heaven in this space. The Wheels play with their missiles and nuclear weapons. There are THOUSANDS of elements outside our Solar System. It’s why meteorites have inflated value, to incentivize the masses turning them in. Some are from outside our Solar System and contain elements not found on the gatekeeper’s “Element Chart”.

Allah is timing our return to the top, with the exit of the destructive Caucasian. His backwards, conniving, goofy thinking must be removed from the Planet in order of us to heal.

Our mode is preparing our People and the Righteous for our rise.

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