比爾蓋茨說服政府通過在日常食品中添加 mRNA 來「強制」公眾接種疫苗 Bill Gates Convinces Gov't To 'Force-Jab' Public by Adding mRNA to Everyday Food Items

7 months ago


#比爾蓋茨 說服政府通過在日常 #食品 中添加 #mRNA 來「強制」公眾 #接種疫苗

#BillGates Convinces Gov't To ' #ForceJab ' Public by Adding mRNA to Everyday #Food Items


#全球主義 億萬富翁、自封的世界衛生沙皇比爾蓋茨說服政府允許他通過在社會每個人消費的基本日常食品中添加 mRNA 來「強制」公眾接種 #疫苗 。

據 #蓋茨 說,未來的疫苗接種看起來更像是呼吸新鮮空氣、喝一杯水或吃一份沙拉,而不是注射一針。

蓋茨和 #大型制藥公司 卡特爾明白,公眾積極反對定期接種 mRNA 加強針,因此他們正在尋找新的欺騙性方法,在未經同意的情況下強迫公眾接種疫苗。

#Globalist billionaire and self-appointed world health czar Bill Gates has convinced the government to allow him to “force-jab” the public by adding mRNA to essential and everyday food items consumed by everybody in society.

According to #Gates , the future of #Vaccination looks more like taking a breath of fresh air, drinking a glass of water, or eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm.

Gates and the #BigPharma cartel understand that the public are actively opposed to receiving regular mRNA booster shots, so they are finding new and deceitful ways to force vaxx the public without consent.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v58lmdh-bill-gates-convinces-govt-to-force-jab-public-by-adding-mrna-to-everyday-fo.html


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