bonafide objectives over here, i promise

5 months ago
*okay so i obviously took that shit outta context cos what lbj was talking about was a weather satellite ie the internet
natural disaster...mother nature...
i'm not laughin at tragedy, they'd laugh at me
boner fide is right
merging is scary so i understand
a woman can't help another woman drive hahahahaha
i'd probably add to her anxiety
every accident i've been in happened 5min from my house
we are way more likely to damage ourselves than get attacked by someone
if they can control our consciousness then we can be tricked into doing things contrary to our best interest
look at america like the corporation that it is
honesty doesn't sell
i'm talking about my mgr here haha
they didn't get the smartphone to become internet junkies, that's just what happened
gotta park the car otherwise it just keeps on goin
i guess i am special to see the smartphone as a trap
i'm so silly n yet so brilliant
technology is a means to an end
man i got old witch harr
considering my conspiracy mind, i'll probably use the internet to have a meltdown
ruining the current moment all to obsess over the future
they weaponized our need for relevance via FOMO
coffee not coke
high fructose corn syrup is worse than cocaine
if you have a panic attack you have used the internet for the wrong reason
did you know that yer country was shit since you were a kid
you enjoyed being lied to, just admit it
most gaslight themselves to sleep, that's a poster i am currently working on as well as many others
bye bye now vortex

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