Disaster Strikes While Ally is Away from Hope | RimWorld Noob [EP010]

7 months ago

Join me on a brand new Let's Play series of the game RimWorld!

In Episode 10, Ally is days away from falling into a coma if she doesn't find go-juice. Back at home, Martin faces many challenges keeping Hope alive.

Game Info:
No Mods.
DLC active: Royalty, Ideology, Biotech, and Anomaly.

00:00 Episode 9 recap
02:41 Martin gets knocked out and no one is at Hope to help him...
08:58 Ally doesn't have good luck with monkeys.
14:01 Jackson is already holding us up.
16:12 The Gu-Oink raid that started it all...
17:29 Oh, Rex.
18:26 Jash and the Psychic Drone
21:48 Bait.
25:10 Rex's fate.
26:20 Go, Jash, Go!
28:35 Jackson joins.
34:18 I hate to break this news to Jackson...
38:32 The BEST way to learn about someone's culture.
40:59 The reason we want animals.
42:01 A surprise for Ally.
59:00 What we look to accomplish next time...

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