Jasper Alberta just got MAUI'd with Wildfires!

7 months ago

On a personal note, I lived in Fort McMurray Alberta back on May 3rd 2016 when the city got evacuated and 20% of it burned to the ground (Including my rental house, car, and personal belongings).

The day before (May 2nd) we (Coworkers) heard on the radio that 3 different locations caught on fire at the EXACT SAME TIME that day and this was VERY SUSPICIOUS to me at the time as the snow had only melted 3 weeks earlier.

At the time I had never heard of "DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS" but I am positive that was what happened back then as I returned in June 2016 and all the houses are built 10 feet away from each other and I would see 1 house completely burned right down to the cement foundation while the houses on each side of it were perfectly fine and anyone who looked at it KNEW that something was NOT RIGHT as that is NOT how natural fires burn.

Sad about Jasper as we would always pass through Jasper and its beautiful Rocky Mountain forest and see wild life near the highway as we passed through as we drove to the west coast of Canada to visit family.

Of course the Globalists will use it and say "SEE, MAN-MADE CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL! We must eat za bugs!!".

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