it's always gonna sound like a cope to someone who doesn't get it

4 months ago

thinkin bout my past life...
i've always thought graffiti was cool
my lifestyle is a time capsule into 1994
the internet has made all this gay shit super popular
culture relates to nurture not nature
psych meds n shoplifting go hand in hand, literally
pillheads steal a lotta shit so this is true on many different levels
shoplifting is one helluva rush
my dopamine levels were all kindza screwed up hence the needed rush that i got from kleptomania
why wouldn't you wanna be in an altered state all the time
addiction ain't deep, it's unresolved trauma
every time i blacked out i proved to whoever was around me at the time that i wanted to kill myself
alcoholism is too simple an explanation
i ain't gonna chance it w/ booze, i have failed at that shit enough haha
the chances of me living a conventional life have always been slim to none
it's more about my mental nature not my emotional nature
i dunno how to not be alone
in case you haven't noticed it's just me on this channel
i never want anyone else in the video haha
you're not alone cos you always have God with you, these people are sillyheads
saying anything contrary to what is generally accepted will get you laughed at
i never played w/ my barbies right, i made them all gay
weird barbie was my whole childhood haha
gaslighting is not the answer!
since alcoholism wasn't THAT much fun, i quit drinking
i can't change the thoughts in my head but i choose where i go w/ them
my primitive nature prohibits sexual attraction
so very few people alive today are in tune w/ our primitive nature
wave that american flag n go watch tv
it's our tree, vortex!
talking in generalities is super offensive
most are candy asses not comedians AMY
if you judge one person it's fine but not entire groups of people
at the same time it's ridiculous that healthcare ain't free
since i worked to understand this "mental illness" it is now sumin that i relish
i gotta preserve my peace since i'm a sponge n all
if they understood their nature they wouldn't have given themselves to all this digital crap
consciousness competition on twitter
we have a major advantage over here
humility is better but just saying that makes me sound totally full a shit haha

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