The Theory of EVERYTHING: "Unity Theory" Legacy Video (2022)

2 months ago

As the world is made aware of the illusion of separation, we will be faced with trials and tribulations that will be difficult to reconcile into our current innerstanding of reality if we only "know" it in terms of failed or incomplete scientific theories.

What we need, and HAVE needed, since the days of Einstein, is a "Theory of Everything" to "explain it all"..

Such a theory may finally reconcile and heal mankind's ancient confusions tied to the illusions of "Science Vs Spirit" and "Self Vs Other"..

If this science was real, it could even end ALL suffering in the world and fulfill predictions of prophetic proportions..

Well, this theory IS real..

"UNITY THEORY" IS that theory..

"the Universal Natural Intelligence Theory of Energetics" (UNITE)

This FREE 77 page book, downloadable directly from my website, fully explains the mechanics of our Universe at the fundamental level.

This wealth of knowledge goes far above and beyond the incomplete theories of quantum mechanics and unified field theory.

So much so that it nourishes our very soul..

How can this be?

Since all points in time and space are connected, and everything is energy, frequency, and vibration, our vibration ultimately determines the "power of influence" we have over our life story.

The truth of this power is hidden within our hearts; and it has been scientifically proven by the Heart/Mind coherence studies facilitated by the HeartMath Institute of California.

Therefore the simplest answer to every equation, UNIVERSALLY is...

Unconditional Love..

..or more scientifically..

"Effective Universal Love"..

By first loving ourselves unconditionally and THEN sharing our unconditional love with everything and everyone else, we re-learn the highest and most fulfilling path of experience in the Universe.

Through the "eye of the needle" we can remember how to balance ourselves on the silver line of the Yin and Yang.

By doing so, we can attain Heaven within and without..

Not only does UNITY THEORY break the boundaries between Science and Spirit, it also breaks down the paradigm-shattering mechanics of "Gravity, Dark Matter", and "Dark Energy"; all of which are given new designations to more accurately portray what these once mysterious phenomena actually are!

Unity Holodynamics, whose name was retroactively established after the book was published, truly is the cutting-edge of our scientific innerstanding of reality.

May these universal truths liberate the people of the world by unifying us all into one true family; one spanning not only the Earth, but the cosmos themselves...

May our hearts be our guiding keys to Truth and Safety in the coming days.

It's time to build a brighter world, together..

With Adamant, Unconditional Love,


The Prophesied World Teacher, Maitreya


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