John Cullen "Coffee and a Mike" I - Crack-Thump distances, Shot angles, Scenarios - 7/26

7 months ago

I cut the beginning, which is just a review of stuff already on my channel. You can see it here

This is pretty good. The followup that posted today, not so much. At 25m it sounds like he saying the big window flash was the DJT ear shot, which would be completely wrong, as the window flashes come after the 9 shots:

But he's saying they came from that window, not that it's that flash. I'm glad he didn't make such a bad error like I thought at first.

There are pops beforehand and after, Cullen says these are from subsonic rounds like .300 Blackout with suppressor. It sounded like that to me, but you hear the popping while he's running around as well, before and after. Cullen thinks they're shooting rounds the whole time, which may be true but we'll have to see proof. Maybe it's just a noise from something in the cameraman's pocket or something like that. UPDATE: expert sniper instructor confirmed

A lot of speculation in that video, which gets everyone thinking and that's great, but it's too speculative even for me, and I posted Donofrio's sniper den trap door take. Take with a grain of salt! But Clay Martin confirms suppressor/subsonic. Now we need evidence it came from the trees.

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