'The governments of this world have conspired to kill 7 billion people,' says lawyer, Todd Callender

7 months ago

“Your government isn't here to help you. “They are here to kill you. “They have agreed amongst themselves, they have conspired, I mean that in this legal sense — it's a felony, an agreement between two or more people to plan a crime... — and that is what's happened. “The governments of this world have conspired to kill 7 billion people. “Upon the declaration of a national emergency, followed by a declaration of a public health emergency, all of our rights were suspended. “Universally, every government did the exact same thing. “There is nowhere to run to because all of the government suspended all of our rights for this purpose. Why? “Because in 1994 they agreed to depopulate the planet. “They agreed 7 billion people have to go [have to DIE]. “A lot of that was predicated on a memorandum drafted by Henry Kissinger that said the world's overpopulated. “If we don't make people sterile and we don't kill off people... the world is gonna come to an end. “That became official US policy in 1988. “Our government said, you're right, ... Dr Kissinger, so we're gonna make this official policy and what came out of that was Gardasil [the HPV vaccine]. “That was sold as a Human Papilloma Virus vaccine [HPV vaccine]. “In reality, it was sterilization proteins that they require of all women of child-bearing age. “So… every middle-schooler in the United States is forced to take the sterilization protocol. “When we convince humanity that this is the truth and this is what's happening, we will be given a choice, and that choice is we all stand together or we all die together.”

Attorney Todd Callender being interviewed by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD on 4 July 2024.

The full 48-minute interview, titled "Worldwide Class Action Lawsuit – Conversation with Todd Callender, Esq- EP 27", is posted here:


Video description from Rumble:

"In this episode, I speak with attorney Todd Callender, Esq. He explains the polymerization from self-assembly nanotechnology in the Covid 19 bioweapons, the upcoming worldwide Class Action Lawsuit for which I will be an expert witness. Todd and his research team have come independently to the same conclusions as I and we explain our views of this technological AI takeover of humanity and our fight for freedom from it.

"We discuss the transhumanist technology that is transforming humanity into a new species – homo borgensis – the modified human that is owned by the patent holder. However, despite all the darkness, there is hope. We discuss the goodness of humanity, the hope of divine intervention and the grace of God.

"Todd Callender, Esq – Lawyer (Disabled Rights Advocates) worked in the disability, health and life insurance industry for more than 20 years and focuses on the international convergence of biomedical, morbidity and mortality risks in the global legal context.

"He was the first lawyer in the US to sue the US Department of Defense, HHS and FDA in relation to the mandates and as such, he acquired 400,000 military clients (plaintiffs) with scores of them and others that have provided ample whistleblower evidence.

"Todd knows from the DMED Database that in 10 months of 2021 all cause morbidity and mortality has increased by 11,000% between 18-40 years of age only for military personal. Callender: “This is Genocide.” "

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