Rethinking the calendar: challenging our perception of time

5 months ago

This is why I said the dates they give us are incorrect. We had 13 months, 28 days, one day of rest, even in the Bible. Look, we have 13 lunar cycles, 28 days, 13 zodiac signs. Every turtle shell you'll find, 13 compartments in the middle and 28 notches on the sides, all to shut us out of these natural cycles of our realm. Hear David Strait explain more. Our calendar is not quite right. We should have 13 months of 28 days with one day, Easter, as a neutral day. That's our 365 days. We actually have 13 constellations, not 12. This same calendar is very close to the Mayan calendar, but it is also very close to several ancient Sanskrit calendars. What does sept mean? Seventh. I thought it was the ninth month. What does Oct mean? What does Nov mean? What does Dec mean? It should be the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth months. Jan is 11. Deb is 12. March is 13. April is our first month. Babies are born in the spring, on the first of April, Easter. This is the beginning of our new year. It is the beginning of spring when flowers begin to grow, grass begins to grow, trees begin to pop, babies are born. It is the first day, our neutral day, the first day, the day when we rest and celebrate the resurrection, a new beginning, the beginning of Christ. April is the first month. And we lost a month there. Where is?#CalendarReform#TimePerception#AncientCalendars#LunarCycles#NaturalCycles

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