Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Episode 17: The Tangled Web We Weave

2 months ago

Harva--*The Sith Academy* continues to be full of people who think they're the best, but are actually just conniving backstabbers leaning on connections and credentialism instead of sense and skills, then respond with violence when they don't get their way. Might as well play by their rules, see where it goes.


For those that noticed this is in a way higher resolution than 1024x768: I am using most (more than 90%) of the KotOR Community Portal's "KotOR 1 Full Build" mod list. I think I only am not using the mod that makes republic soldier armor more shiny because a small oopsie could have messed up hours of modding by causing things to go out of order, and it was 2:40am when I was at that point. v0v

If the video is ever completely muted at some point, blame the mouse. v0v

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