Something Fishy is Going on with Kamala Harris, and Joe Rogan Can Smell It

6 months ago

Something Fishy is Going on with Kamala Harris, and Joe Rogan Can Smell It

He’s baffled by how Kamala Harris went from being “the least popular vice president of all time” to a celebrated “hero.”

“Try googling a negative story on her. You won't find one.”

But Rogan didn’t stop there; he took another interesting turn.

He asked why the Democratic party is so hellbent on pushing candidates like Kamala Harris when people like Tulsi Gabbard exists.

JOE ROGAN: “Well, it just shows you that what they're looking for is not what they say they're looking for.”


JOE ROGAN: “Because she [Tulsi] is a strong woman. She is a person who served overseas twice in a medical unit. So she got to see people blown up by the war. She was a congresswoman for eight years.”


JOE ROGAN: “She is a person of color. She's everything you want, all those things you want, and you don't want her...

MICHAEL MALICE: “because she's not for war.”

JOE ROGAN: “Yes, well, she's also just not willing to play ball. There's a game that's being played, and if you're like, hey, you're not supposed to f—king move the ball. Like, oh, look at this bitch over here. Like, get out of here. You're gonna f—k up our game. It's not real democracy. It's controlled parties.” Vigilant Fox Clip

Mal Antoni is tasked with transferring Twitter clips to Rumble and YouTube format due to so many who write in to Whatfinger News and complain that they refuse to view Twitter clips. No idea why, as Elon Musk is not in charge of the old Twitter. We restrict comments until the end, but this is the only way to get around censorship and rules, and not get into trouble... so enjoy the clips with minimum comments.

The News Variable Show, with Mal Antoni hosting... All controversial statements by Mr. Antoni are his own opinions. If you don't like them, don't watch. If you are one of those nut cases who watch just to complain, get a life or stick to fake news. We have no time for your BS. America needs patriots that just say it like it is. If you don't like it, too damn bad. Mr. Antoni is now the main editor over at Whatfinger News, the greatest aggregate news site out there - with more news and commentary daily than the next 7 competitors combined. Experience it once and you're hooked
------DISCLAIMER: This show contains opinions of the host and guests and is meant for education and/or entertainment purposes only. News Variable provides information and the sources where it was obtained. Viewer discretion is advised.

Email for any reason - or check out my new account over at Twitter, Not used much yet but it is also have a Facebook that I don't use - and never check yet. I will eventually, maybe. I'm not too happy with their propaganda and censorship

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