08/06/24 INFORMED CONSENT FIRST - Episode 12: Dr. Joel Wallskog

7 months ago

Welcome to EPISODE TWELVE of INFORMED CONSENT FIRST where we bring you a new episode the first Tuesday of each month.


We are excited to be joined by Dr. Joel Wallskog, a former orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin, and the Co-Chairman of https://react19.org/, a 100% volunteer run organization.

Joel was exposed to Covid 19 back in 2020, and while asymptomatic, he subsequently tested positive for Covid 19 antibodies. According to the CDC recommendations at the time, he waited 3 months after his antibody diagnosis to obtain his first Covid shot, and developed numbness, weakness and balance difficulties soon after. In the following months, he experienced periods of severe lower back pain, and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. While he is now only able to walk short distances, prior to his diagnosis, Joel enjoyed hiking, biking and numerous water sports. He has been on long term disability as he’s unable to return to work as an orthopedic surgeon. With relentless commitment, he currently dedicates his time to helping those who have been injured.

Please show your support for the injured by making a donation to https://react19.org/ as they are truly doing incredible work! Please also know, no donation is too small or too large! Whether you are able to make a financial contribution or not, please share this video far and wide!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. This includes but is not limited to the Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense.

Dr. Neelu: drneelu@radicalresonanceequilibrium.com
Dr. Neelu on IG https://www.instagram.com/neelubluepsyd/?next=%2F

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