MR. NON-PC: The PC-PEEPZ Love The Boot On Their Neck!

5 months ago

Mannnn ohhhh mannnnn, the corruption in the MopeyWorld is breaking new records each and every day. And some of the biggest offenders of the neverending tyranny like: the satanic U.S Government, the Helter-Skelter-Race-Baiting/White/ Straight and Christian-Hating Media, big tech, The U.N, The Banksters never seem to slow their pace at all.

Let's face it....they wanna put the boot on everyone's neck in some way, shape or form.

Now maybe you're like yours truly, MR. NON-PC, and you'll resist, reject and live apart from the self destructingsystem best you can. But we all know that the majority of PC-Peepz who Loooooooove that PC-POOP 💩 also LOVE THE BOOT ON THEIR NECK!!!

They whine, cry, bitch and moan about how "everything sucks" and yet can NEVER seem to place blame on their failed leaders or the poor choices they've made as well.

The CovidCult proved beyond a shadow of a doubt how EVERY SINGLE GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL FAILED US!!! And yet the majority of PC-Peepz still LOVE THE BOOT ON THEIR NECK! 🤣🤣🤣

The NON-PC Peepz like you and me have to focus on: our own lives, being productive, living debt free, solving our own problems and more importantly worrying about things that we have control over, rather then the things we cannot control.

Let these PC-POOP gobbling fools live with the boot on their necks.....we're not living like them!

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