France Olympics Committee grossly abused of power

5 months ago

Taiwan US-China Experts video: France Olympics Committee grossly abused of power took order from the Americans requiring Chinese swimmers taking drug test every 2 hours to ensure they don’t have time to practice and rest to give AngloSaxons swimmers from US, Europe and Australia advantages. China must protest! 中國女子奧運游泳運動員張雨霏心理苦 每二個小時藥檢一次,不讓中國奧運游泳運動員有休息和睡覺的時間, 美國要中國運動員輸. 中國不說前台灣奧運主委郭正亮來說 台灣蔡正元博士要中國: 這種下流的手段不能就這麼算了 該抗議到底.

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