
7 months ago

Commie Harris and the rest of the Democrats are putting abortion at the top of the list of things they are running on, the only thing on their list, except for calling President Trump, Hitler. President Trump appointed Supreme Court Justices who were the deciding factor in overturning Roe v. Wade. President Trump was the first President to speak at the annual March for Life in Washingrton D.C., he is a pro-life hero. Some in the pro-life movement though are upset at Presidnet Trump for not supporting a national ban on abortion. Yes, he may be thinking of politics, but it also goes against what overturning Roe was about. He, along with Antonin Scalia and other greats, believes it is a state issue. Yes, President Trump has to win first. He has said he opposes abortion except for rape incest and life of the mother. I personally disagree with that, burt understand what he is doing. America has been brainwashed for over 50 years that abortion is a right. As the Declaration of Independence says though: "We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our rights come from God, obviously God does not approve of killing his creations.
The problem of abortion is actually a problem of the mentality related to sex. It is seen as a recreational sport where it is claimed there are no consequences because of contraception(that fails at least 10 percent of the time) and abortion when contraception fails. It is such a lie. What has to be changed to stop abortion is the view that most have of sex. It is a sacred gift for marriage between a man and a women where they are open to creating a child. Until the populace grasps a proper view of sex with God in mind, then abortions will continue.
The churches also have to start speaking out strongly against abortion. Most are silent, thnery only worry about the collection plate. If every Catholic bishop in the country came out strongly against abortion, that would make a huge difference, but most remain silent.
Yes, we should still fight for laws that restrict abortion, but it's the people changing hearts and minds and getting a proper concept of sex and marriage that will have the most effect. A difficult task with over 50 years of brainwashing that sex is a recreational activity that can happen without consequences because of contraception and abortion. It's such a lie. Abortion is all about lies, the truth is the answer.

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