Edifying and encouraging our widows 073024

5 months ago

God has promised to provide for our needs. He is a good God and we will trust in Him. I encourage you to trust Him for provision. Last time I encouraged you to go home and find a vessel to get filled for the provision for your family.
I want to encourage you that God loves you and your children.
Liuke 11:5-13 Psalm 127:1-3 Psalm 139

Dear Pastor Greg Young G thank and Praise God that we had a widows meeting on 30th July 2024. Where pastor Greg Young Shared the God’s Word powerfully and Prayed for them. All sisters were so blessed and encouraged. God touched many sisters and healed them. Sisters were healed from back pain, two sisters were healed from joint pain, one sister had sever pain in stomach since two years God healed her, Some were healed from back pain and neck pain, more then 20 sisters received the Gift of Holy Spirit first time. all glory to God. After meeting we distributed the groceries bags to all widows sisters. With this God used Pastor Greg Young to bring a great smile on the faces. They all are so grateful with tears for Pastor Greg Young to stand with them in this time. We all prayed for Pastor Greg Young, Family, Chosen Generation Radio Ministries and all brothers and sisters who sacrificially given donation for this Ministries. God bless you
Dear Pastor Greg Young g we are praying to help the widows with groceries every month.
God bless you

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