Ephesians 3:7-13 "The Power to Live for God" 7/28/24

7 months ago

The point is that Christ is full of grace, and those who are in Christ are showered with His grace upon grace.
Meaning all the grace we could possibly ever need is available to us.
When we consider that the word grace carries with it the idea of “power,” we will better understand what grace means to us.
Grace is an enabling power that enables us to do what we cannot do on our own.
So, bearing in mind that grace gives us power, Paul says that God has chosen him to be a minister of God’s grace.
To share with Gentiles the power of God to change lives and help us live a Godly life.
Now, the word minister simply means servant; Paul would be a servant of God’s grace according to the working of His power or, as some of your translations say, His “effectual” power.
What that conveys is that Paul’s mission is to tell others, Gentiles especially…
That if God can take a persecuting, rampaging hater of Jesus Christ and His followers…
And turn him into an apostle, an ambassador of Christ, and a preacher to the Gentiles of the unsearchable riches we have in Jesus…
Then God can change anyone!

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