TikTok Lawyer Now Testing Prime HIMSELF! (INTERVIEW)

7 months ago

28 Apr 2024
Now today is not a regular round up of news… it's actually a conversation with a man that has cause an internet WW3 this week!

Tommy the lawyer on TikTok made a 4 part series on a lawsuit againts prime and it got a combined 17 million views!

Other creators picked up on this and it started a chain reaction.

Before you know it every comment second was about prime having toxic chemicals in the drinks… the main stream media started picking up the story and a lot of people started believing it!

That is until it got so big Logan Paul had to address these claims.

Since then tommy has deleted his videos.

So I reached out to him and i'm happy to report I have the world exclusive interview for you and I got to ask him questions like, how much money he made, why he did he delete his videos on prime, whether or not he's being sued by logan… and so so much more.

Heres the full interview I hope you enjoy and ill see you on Monday! FOR THE 3RD VIDEO THIS WEEK! This is just getting crazy!

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