BPNT Book Series - Chapter 24 - What does the Bible say about creation?

5 months ago

Understanding of the fossil records and bones and layering and ice caps melting, etc. is all found in the pages of the bible. Believe it? It’s there and I’ll show you right now!

There are two events in the bible that most people don’t have a very clear understanding of; the creation and the flood. We’ll explore both of those events. In the beginning; God created everything in six days. At the end of the six days He saw that it was very good. Some people teach that it was imperfect at the time the Garden of Eden was made and man was placed there, saying the devil had destroyed the planet before man was created. Some teach that evolution could be the mechanism that God used to “create” everything. Some teach that there’s a gap of billions of years between verse one and verse two of Genesis 1. We will explore these theories as well as some others.


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