Benji Gillis - 'Craigslist Huffy' (Official Audio)

7 months ago

This is my official release post for ‘Craigslist Huffy,’ from my The MUNDANE LIFE EP. 🎶 If you enjoyed my song, please consider putting a like on it, and/or sharing with your friends.. 🙏🏽 More releases to come! Coming soon to SPOTIFY, APPLE MUSIC and MORE!

YT and IG: @BenjiGillis

Lyrics below. 👇

Bought me a bike from Craigslist last week. One dollar, a bargain, or so it did seem. The paint was all chipped, and the tires were flat, I thought I'd be the one who could bring it back.
Aired-up the tires, felt a sudden snap, the chain links broke and left a big ass gap. My wife just stared, then rolled her eyes and left. But I pulled out my wrench and then I did my best... ...maybe?
It's like sitting on a bed of nails, 'cept it's got some little wheels, and I want to ride it off of a cliff. Ain't what it was, shoulda traded for drugs. As it falls apart, I feel a sense of relief. 'Cause this rusty pipe just ain't what I like I'm staying off of Craigslist the rest of my life. I know the end... I know the end. These tires won't spin again.
Tried to ride down some stairs, 'cause I'm feelin' real bold, pedals stiff, seat ripped, got me lookin' so old. I'm gonna hit it with some chemical, 'cause it's growing some mold (lookin' kinda fuzzy.)
Met a bum named Sammy, said he liked my ride. Asked me where I picked it up, my face red with surprise. I told him 'Craigslist,' yeah, ain't that about a bitch, thought I saw him twitch and that I realized it was he who sold his bike in a pinch. Crack cocaine is an expensive hobby. Now I gotta run for my life, 'cause this vagrant is high and he smoked PCP.
He thinks the bike can fly and murder me he'll try, ...shoulda left the bike and thus, kept my pride.
Yeah, staying off a Craigslist the rest of my life. Why do I keep buying dumb ass shit? Debt you wouldn't believe, can't get a reprieve and I gotta find better shit to do with my time.

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