March 15 (2019) walks: I don't see a 'crisis' in Caracas

2 months ago

I filmed these scenes on March 15, but until now have been too busy and also lacking good enough internet to upload.

My objective in filming is not to say there is no poverty in Venezuela, nor to imply there is no hunger or shortages anywhere. However, when corporate media is flat out saying shelves are empty all over Caracas and the city is in crisis, well this is false. The scenes I'm seeing are much like I saw in 2010. I know there are differences since then and now, of course, but there isn't the pandemonium MSM is attempting to claim is happening here.

Also, this is not a wealthy area of Caracas, its perhaps lower middle class. I'll film the wealthy areas where typically opposition live in coming days.
Further, in the days since filming this, power has fully returned to Caracas and most of Venezuela, metro is running, things are as they were before the power cuts.

I have had the opportunity to visit organized communities growing massive amounts of produce, also breeding rabbits (apparently a high source of protein)...and also one of the cities urban garden initiatives. I'll upload more on that when time allows, but for now, day 1, no "crisis", but people were dealing with the effects of the nation wide power outage, one believed most likely due to US acts of sabotage on the electricity grid.

Articles related to that:

March 2019, Caracas.


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