Venezuelan Citizens Defend National Assembly Against Perceived Provocation (2019)

7 months ago

On March 18, opposition/supporters said they'd march on the National Assembly. A local journalist said their intent was to create & film a provocation while the UN's HR commission people are still here.

I only saw two handfuls of people who seemed to be opposition (well dressed, expensive jewellery), not huge numbers that would qualify as a march.

In any case, if there was an intent to create a scene of violence, they didn't have the chance. Venezuelan civilians came out in masses to defend the area and keep the peace. Opposition media is calling them "armed colectivos", implying they are paid thugs.

These are Venezuelan people, definitely from the poor sectors of society, defending their country. To listen to them speak, their political knowledge, you'd cringe (if you don't already) at the vacuous rhetoric of western newsreaders.

March 2019, Caracas.


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