Mary Katherine Ham Perfectly Parodies The 'White Women For Kamala' Meeting

7 months ago

Posted • July 30, 2024: By now, we're sure you're aware of the whites-only Zoom meetings that Kamala Harris supporters seem to think are a good idea. We're old enough to remember when this type of gathering was considered racist, and apparently so is Mary Katherine Ham. Mary Katharine Ham @mkhammer: “Gentle parenting people confused by your white-people meetings.” -- The whole thing so perfectly captures the lack of self-awareness by the organizers and the participants that we're not even sure where to start. “Only democrats can safely gather in whites-only affinity groups with matching hats.” Lord love you, and now I’m dead. 💀 Can you imagine if white Trump supporters gathered in such a way? We'd never hear the end of how bigoted that is from the media and the Democrats (but we repeat ourselves). Dying. “There’s no history there.” Nope, none at all! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Mary Katherine Ham Perfectly Parodies the 'White Women For Kamala' Meeting
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