Natalie Winters: The Elites Have Been Intent on Weaponizing and Manipulating the Bird Flu

7 months ago

07/29/2024 Natalie Winters: “Bird flu is a disease that our elites have been intent on weaponizing and manipulating, sort of similar to COVID-19 and they are now trying to make bird flu the next public health scare. Dr. Peter Hotez insisted that the entire force of the federal government needs to be rolled out to dispel anti-vaccine sentiment.” Attorney Tom Renz said that Dr. Peter Hotez is the poster boy for Big Pharma and he's going to say whatever it takes to make sure that his masters are making their $14 trillion again.
#elites #antivaccine #birdflu #WarRoom
07/29/2024 《作战室》主持人娜塔莉·温特斯:“精英们一直有意将禽流感疾病武器化并加以操纵,有点类似于新冠病毒。他们现在正试图将禽流感变成下一个公共卫生恐慌。Dr. Peter Hotez坚称需要动用整个联邦政府的力量来消除反疫苗情绪。”律师汤姆·伦兹:“Peter Hotez是大药厂的代言人,他会说任何话来确保其主子再次赚到14万亿美元。”
#精英 #反疫苗 #禽流感 #作战室

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