The two best tips for improving your health!

6 months ago

These are two of the most important tips to improve your health.

Healthy eating is a LIFESTYLE not a diet.

Start with small changes and build them into HABITS.

They need to become part of your daily routine that you don’t even need to think about, like brushing your teeth.

The second tip is one nearly EVERYONE gets wrong!!

You need to eat enough food!!!

Too many people are trapped in the mindset of calories.

Eat less, move more, count the calories, restrict the calories.

It’s an absolutely terrible approach for your health and you WILL eventually fail with this approach.

The main reasons people give up is the cravings become too much, their health starts to suffer and they feel terrible.

All of this is avoided if you eat enough real FOOD!

Your body needs nutrients not calories.

Eat the right food and you can eat plenty of it and satisfy your body.

Undereating is a losing game. Hunger ALWAYS wins.

To improve your health, start with small changes and feed your body!

To find out how to eat yourself healthy sign up to my FREE community now. Click the link in my bio or DM me.

#diet #weightloss #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #diettips #painfree #wellness

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