48. The science of light and hydration with Carrie Bennett

6 months ago

Get ready for an enlightening episode of our podcast as we welcome Carrie Bennett, a leading educator in the emerging field of quantum biology. With multiple degrees in biology, nutrition, and bodywork, Carrie's relentless enthusiasm for learning has positioned her at the forefront of this fascinating discipline. She combines deep research with clear explanations of the complex quantum mechanisms at play in the human body to teach people how to use light, water, and nature to thrive.

I have always had an obsession with light and circadian health. Growing up, I suffered from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and was frequently ill during the winter months. I knew I had to move to Florida for the endless summer to support my health and even resorted to using tanning beds in my quest for more light.

Carrie Bennett, a sought-after speaker and guest lecturer, will share her insights and expertise on how light impacts our health at a quantum level. As the lead faculty member and a Board of Advisors member for the Quantum Biology Collective, the world’s premier certification for Applied Quantum Biology in clinical practice, Carrie brings a wealth of knowledge to our conversation.

Join us as we explore the transformative power of light, the importance of circadian health, and practical tips to harness these elements for optimal well-being. Don't miss this illuminating discussion that promises to shed light on how you can thrive using the principles of quantum biology.

Carrie has several free resources as well as courses for individuals and practitioners. Check them out here:
Carrie B. Wellness | Quantum Health Educator & Clinician (carriebwellness.com)

Copywrite @AmandaPanacea


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