if only i was a regular ass earth person

6 months ago

if i could successfully drink i'd be drunk right now
if i could successfully be in a relationship i'd be fucking right now
i'd have 15 kids if i was a sheep but alas
i already pretended to be sumin that i ain't n never succeeded
follow yer heart otherwise you will fall apart eventually whenever you realize that you did this or that for their approval
you will mentally disappear, it's so easy
disassociating in relationships as well as blacking out when drunk hahahahaha
skewed ideas of everything tho
most misunderstand n i ain't mad about it
you obviously dunno me
nobody knows me but the Lord
it saddens me a little bit but then again i think i am just aware of the way that humans actually behave
look at how much they wanna watch tv every day all day
it's not surprising it's just the way it is n i need to get over my hostility
arrogance is bliss
you choose how you deal with these things
forgiveness is not really good in the beginning, gaslighting is never the answer
healing the part of yourself that is disappointed by human behavior
looking around n i am so sick
nostalgia is kinda pointless becuz every era is filled w/ shitheads
tv n media has always been a load of bullshit
gimmicks, trump is there best pawn yet
he ain't a savior OR the anti-christ/beast
they are using the Book of Revelations to confuse everyone AGAIN
maybe i'm wrong but i don't think it's the end of the world, unfortunately
stumped is actually a pretty accurate description
meow meow is here...true shit

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