when you're offered a tooth n you refuse due to reverse pride...

5 months ago

apparently i grit my teeth real bad...i can believe it
it's anxiety i guess
looking shit up on a smartphone is such a bad idea
nowhere near the level of hypochondriac that i was before covid thanks govt!
professionals dunno as much as the title would suggest
fuck euro fix
mfs tried to scam me when google was right
i know how to use the internet right tho
actually talk to actual people
i booked my app w/ my dentist in the next week
tooth pain will only get worse
you can definitely tell by the looks of me...
it's hard for me to pay attention to ______ when i'm sooooo busy paying attention to everything else
i just perfectly explained why schizos don't bathe enough hahaha
self-evaluation involves internal stuff more often than not
i should care more about my physique esp my teeth cos i repeatedly use em
my dad was shaking his head last night (per usual)
c'mon now, we ALL have these stupid ass irrational fears haha
brittany was right that's exactly what i was doing
useful info vs info that exacerbates all obsessive qualities
minimalism makes sense when my brain is quite maximalistic
too tempting to be constantly looking shit up if i have the option to do so, information is porn to me
not paranoid about the govt it's just facts
why would i wanna make it easier for them
at any given point they could do that regardless of the "constitution"
hardly anyone is watching this becuz vlogging is kind of a lost art form
we ain't gonna be pushed by the algorithm
actual self actual expression not this fake shit
eventually they will start cracking down specifically THROUGH social media
they can take anything away, you ain't got no 4th or 14th A
they'll use "freedom of speech" against the dissidents
yt will try to "protect" the community
"hate speech" n promoting conspiracies...guilty as charged
all the thinkey ideas are too much i get it
i can't bitch too much about yt cos i won't shit where i eat n i am grateful for its' existence
technically they ARE a private company so they can do this but you know that shit is cos of the govt
doing what i do best...pissing people off *unintentionally
unconventional opinions w/ an unconventional lifestyle to back it up i guess that's what's so offensive
i could PROVE that i feel this way thru my actions perhaps?
keeping the govt n all its' underlangz in yer pocket at all times
nothin more offensive than bigger picture thinking
actual change will always start w/ you
there is hope in change, sameness is suicide or near suicide
i am never surprised
way more sick to do what you don't even understand but specifically for the world's approval
how can you seek yer own approval if you dunno who you are
most people every where you go are this way
i have hope in people like me n that God will deliver (per usual)
many are just not ready for any kinda transformation
people don't seem to be too happy with their lives or am i wrong lemme know

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