China's Total Surveillance Hits America: My Battle Against Uber & Lyft's Billion-Dollar Theft!

6 months ago

Alright, world, China has arrived in America.

As we all know, China has embraced total surveillance of its citizens down to the nanosecond. Today, we, the citizens of the USA, are under the same surveillance, like it or not.

I've been posting pictures and social posts about harassment from big companies like Uber and Lyft, which have stolen my copyrighted method of calling a taxi from the internet. This method, protected by my 1998 copyright, has been used as the foundation for their multi-billion-dollar growth.

Uber, Lyft, and other taxi companies have been using my copyrighted method for years. I, Gabriel De La Vega Jr., have witnessed billions of people using my patented inventions and copyrighted material worldwide. Yet, the autocrats of the world suppress this information to keep my money for themselves. They've developed strategies to deceive the public about who actually created and owns the patents for live streaming video and the first internet taxi service.

For about two weeks now, an Uber/Lyft driver has been sneaking up and parking in front of my residence. No one, including my neighbors, has seen the driver. It seems like a huge multi-billion-dollar conspiracy in broad daylight.

I called the HOA to have the car towed. They told me they know the driver and it's a public street, so he can park there all he wants. Conveniently, they won't tell me who the driver is.

As the only person who can sue all internet taxi companies for billions, suddenly, I have an Uber/Lyft driver parking anonymously in front of my residence. The driver arrives and leaves without being seen, blocking emergency vehicles and inconveniencing everyone.

The HOA, who gets our monthly payment, is okay with this. As I speak, the car is outside my window.

It's obvious that Uber, Lyft, and other billionaires are using technology to monitor my movements. They know exactly when to park the car to harass me and force me into submission. They want me to accept their domination tactics.

I could set up cameras to catch the driver, but that's more money spent on something that shouldn't happen in the first place. With the right hardware and software, anyone can monitor individuals in their homes.

These desperate tactics show how far these people are willing to go. They’ve even rammed my vehicle at stoplights and then run off on foot.

This is a group of rich people who, for generations, have stolen ideas from working people like me, even with patents and copyrights. They once sent me a letter asking me to join their elite gang or get out of the way. I tore it up and threw it in the trash. Now, they're so desperate that they park a vehicle outside my residence to slow down my website publishing.

But I won't sell out. We will never accept this domination, just like Ukraine won't accept totalitarian domination!

I've set up a website with a donation link and a QR code in this video. Donate to my legal fund so we can fight back against these 2024 tyrants. If we win, you get paid 10% monthly on all money received, each month, since a copyright on websites is valid for the owner's life plus 70 years.

Donate today and fight back as a group. I refused to join their elite club, and together, we can stand against tyrants and dictators. Join today. Donate now for freedom.

- 🇨🇳 China Surveillance
- 🇺🇸 America Under Surveillance
- 📹 Total Surveillance
- 🚖 Uber Lyft Conspiracy
- 💰 Billion-Dollar Theft
- 🔥 Fight for Justice
- 🚔 Harassment by Big Companies
- 📅 1998 Copyright
- 💻 Internet Taxi Method
- 🏠 HOA Injustice
- 👀 Monitoring Technology
- 🔍 Hidden Surveillance
- 🌐 Internet Patents
- 📸 Catch the Driver
- 🚨 Emergency Blockage
- 🌍 Global Patents
- 📱 Digital Harassment
- 💥 Autocrats Suppressing Info
- 💸 Sue Uber Lyft
- 🤝 Join the Fight
- 🌟 Stand Against Tyranny
- 🇺🇦 Ukraine Resistance
- 💵 Donation Link
- 📡 Tech Exploitation
- 🚀 Freedom Fund
- ✊ Fight Back Together
- 🏆 Legal Victory

China Surveillance, America Under Surveillance, Total Surveillance, Uber Lyft Conspiracy, Billion-Dollar Theft, Fight for Justice, Harassment by Big Companies, 1998 Copyright, Internet Taxi Method, HOA Injustice, Monitoring Technology, Hidden Surveillance, Internet Patents, Catch the Driver, Emergency Blockage, Global Patents, Digital Harassment, Autocrats Suppressing Info, Sue Uber Lyft, Join the Fight, Stand Against Tyranny, Ukraine Resistance, Donation Link, Tech Exploitation, Freedom Fund, Fight Back Together, Legal Victory

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