7 months ago

Tyler Grant:

When I was 15 I thought I was gay
But i looked at girls and guys the same way
He didnt believe me when I came out to my father
I was around 4 kissing the neighbors granddaughter

Well, the bullies drilled it into my skull
Everyday gay slurs kept being called
I know its biromatic as an adult
I started hating that side of me as a result

Listening to Eminem normalized it
So I did the worst thing and started to write it
Lash back at the people im now united with
People that couldve helped me i divided with

So I grew up and never had my first time
bojack horsman gave me a universal sign
im asexual but my friend called me cellibit
My parents dont understand when i tell em it

basically my whole town doesnt

A friend growing up had a homophobic family
No one called it out on the insanity
His brother called him the gay slur openly
I cant believe thats something he said jokingly

That opened my eyes to their struggles
So any homophobia i had was rebuttled
I was a really stupid give me a muzzle
I was trapped in a homophobic bubble

Went to church it preachers talked against it
Kids at school had gay slurs in their sentences
Gay jokes had a negitive conintation
Conservative negborhoods can cause this hatred

And I get it some jokes okay in context
And I hate censorship of any comeic
But next time you call that kid a gay slur
He could hate himself and spread the hatred later

That was me, and forgive me being transparent
Be who you are so you share it
I'll date girls and guys cause at 23
came out biromantic asexual i cut the family tree

sorry God i cant be fruitful and multipy
If you made me different id ablige
sorry God i cant be fruitful and multipy

When your gay thats who you are naturally
Dont date the opposite sex to keep others happy
Another friend came out as a lesbian
Now i see thats shes dating men again

And thats fine if you find yourself bi or pan
it also happened with another of my friends
Its so rare to find someone in the community
I think im the only ace in the next few cities

Glad my first friend found a guy hes dating
He tried telling me about a gay gene
Love is love I just see it all as a spectrum
you might find a same sex lover if you met them

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