7 months ago

Ngaben is a traditional corpse burning ceremony carried out by the Hindu community in Bali. This ceremony aims to return the spirit of the deceased person to the universe, so that they can achieve moksha or nirvana. Ngaben is an important part of the death rites in Balinese Hinduism.

There are several types of Ngaben ceremonies, including:

Ngaben Sawa Wedana: Burning of corpses using intact bodies.
Ngaben Asti Wedana: Burning carried out after the body is buried first, and the bones are then dug up to be burned.
Private: The Ngaben ceremony is carried out without a body, usually using symbolic media such as pictures or other objects that represent the deceased.
Ngaben not only aims to purify the spirit, but is also a form of final respect for the deceased. This procession involves a series of complicated rituals and requires quite a long preparation and large costs. However, for the Balinese people, Ngaben is an obligation that must be fulfilled to ensure the spirit's journey to the next life goes well

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