SPEAKER SYSTEM With SoundWave Inside A Beam - BIO WEAPONS Frequency Threats

7 months ago

Watch this video once, watch this video twice, watch this video 3 times. To understand the Military Bio Weapons technology being INVISIBLY LAUNCHED & pointed at People & Environment causing Harm. This secret weapon SPEAKER AUDIO FREQUENCY is not seen by the human eye. A micro wave milliwave AUDIO SOUND thats a Torture Weapon, described also as radiation burning human tissue into the bone. Burning eyes & ears, evening causing induced Cancers Tumours. Where are they installing such Military Medical Industrial tech? In your Local communities by telecommunications companies like Vector or Trustpower. Power companies & Councils consents contracts. This is Agenda 2030 UN-WEF-WHO-Military type population reduction plans, also an ASSAULT OF VIOLENCE against Birdlife, Animal Life & Environment Poisoning Program. EVIL SATANIC SCIENCE gone mad.

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