More Negative Information About Deputy Sean Grayson - Cop Who Killed Sonya Massey

7 months ago

As I previously reported there are many issues with #SeanGrayson . Like #1 he is a murderer as the whole world has seen. #2 He has been with 6 Different Departments in 4 years. #3 He had 2 DUI’s in the span of 1 years. #4 Kicked out of Military. #5 Arrested for a firearm incident. #6 Falsifying Police Reports. #7 He failed to obey a command while working for another sheriff’s office in Illinois and was told he needed “high stress decision making classes,” the agency’s documents reveal. And I am shre there are more. #Sonymassey #SeanGrayson #PoliceBodyCam #BodyCam #BackTheBlue #NotThisTime

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