'Japan' Launches 'COVID' 'MRNA' VACCINE TASKFORCE To Investigate 'Crimes Against Humanity'

7 months ago

'Japan' "Launches 'COVID' 'mRNA' Vaccine Taskforce To Investigate 'Crimes Against Humanity"

July. 30, 2024. COVID News, Japan, Big Pharma, Scientific Evidence, WEF, UN, WHO, public health authorities, manipulation, Covid vaccine data, Intelligence, Judge Wyld, Breaking News Headlines, Breaking News, World News, Headlines, News Analysis, People, Commentary, Trending, New, Health & Fitness, Japan, Mrna in food, covid deaths, COVID mRNA Vaccine Taskforce, Investigate, Crimes Against Humanity,

“A lot of the dissenting opinions that were suppressed and ridiculed at the time have proven to be CORRECT.

This includes, but is not limited to:
• COVID came from a lab
• Ivermectin worked
• Masks offered no benefit and were harmful
• Should have never kept kids out of school
• Natural immunity is better than vaccinated immunity
• Long COVID is often a symptom of long vax
• Hospitals murdered COVID patients
• COVID fatality rate and death count were highly inflated
• Unvaccinated were scapegoated for the failure of the shots
• Early treatment was suppressed to make way for a “vaccine”
• Risks of the jab were intentionally hidden from the public
• Vaccine mandates are wrong
• More shots = more risk of infection
• COVID shots are neither safe nor effective.
Peer Reviewed Case Reports & Studies Citing Adverse Effects Post Covid Vaccination
Also, with the War On 'Ivermectin' (The Medicine That Saved Millions) And Could Have Ended The COVID Pandemic

A study, recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences “Reverse-transcribed SARS-CoV-2 RNA can integrate into the genome of cultured human cells and can be expressed in patient-derived tissues”—builds on key questions that the team probed as part of an earlier preprint posted on bioRxiv, in their attempts to find a solution to this mystery. Using three independent sequencing approaches, Jaenisch and his team showed the presence of human–viral chimeric transcripts in infected human HEK293T cells in culture and patient-derived tissues to demonstrate that DNA copies of fragments of SARS-CoV-2’s genomic RNA sequences can integrate into the human genome and can be transcribed into RNA.

Pfizer vaccine data:
There Are 9 Pages Of Adverse Events Medical Conditions Expected That People Can Get From The "Vaccines" For "Covid-19"

Poison Control Cautions About Toxic Substance in Many Rapid At-Home Antigen COVID Tests https://healthnewshub.org/poison-control-cautions-about-toxic-substance-in-many-rapid-at-home-antigen-covid-tests/

Please view these MUST SEE videos:

Pfizer release list of adverse side effects link: (go to page 30-38)

Link to FDA’s List of Pfizer’s 1,290+ Known Adverse Side Effects for Its Experimental COVID19 “Vaccine”:

Pfizer FDA’s list of known side effects:

July. 2024, 7/30/2024, 07/30/24, 7/30/24, 07/30/2024, 7-30-2024, 07-30-24, 2024-30-7, 2024/30/07, Jul. 30 2024, Jul 30 2024,

July. 2024, 7/31/2024, 07/31/24, 7/31/24, 07/31/2024, 7-31-2024, 07-31-24, 2024-31-7, 2027/31/07, Jul. 31 2024, Jul 31 2024,

COVID News, Japan, Big Pharma, Scientific Evidence, WEF, UN, WHO, public health authorities, manipulation, Covid vaccine data,
Intelligence, Breaking News Headlines, World News, Headlines, Analysis, People, Commentary, Trending, New, Health & Fitness, Japan, Mrna in food, covid deaths, COVID mRNA Vaccine Taskforce, Investigate, Crimes Against Humanity, Pfizer, Moderna, Spike Protein, MRNA, 2024 excess Vaccine deaths, post mRNA vaccines, genomics, deaths, Fatalities, Vaccine injuries, Pandemic Treaty, WHO Treaty Medical Tyranny, Pandemic Treaty, Digital Surveillance, Freedoms, Human Rights, World Health Organization, WHO Pandemic Referenda, Petition, Stop, Now, DiseaseX, H5N1, Dr. Peter McCullough, Bird Flu, Pandemic, Trending, News, Bird Flu, news, covid, covid19, coronavirus, conspiracy, freedom, politics, vaccine, vaccines, world, viral, lies, deceit, deception, politics, political, Big Pharma, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Trump, Trending, News, Conspiracies, Bird Flu, news, covid, covid19, coronavirus, conspiracy, freedom, politics, vaccine, vaccines, wam, world alternative media, viral, lies, deceit, deception, politics, political, Big Pharma, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Trump, Scientists Speak Out, Medical Tyranny, Big Pharma, Vaccine Injuries, Problems With The Vaccines, Vaccine, Data Reveals, Vaccination Data, Testimony, Pediatrician, Speaks Out, Aluminium Nanoparticles in Vaccines, Childrens Vaccines, Healthcare, Pandemic Data, Medical Speeches, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Nurses, Dr.s, AndreCorbeil, COVID19, Coronavirus, Documentary, Corona Investigate, Committee, AndreCorbeil, Death, shots, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Published, Scientific Study, Medical Studies, Medical Papers, COVID-19 Vaccines, Global, Population Control, Philanthropy, Money Laundering, NGO's, Philanthropic, Philanthropist, Philanthropists, NGO, The Fall Of The Cabal, The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal, Darpa, Transhumanism,

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