Int 843 with Jane Scharf Canadian social activist

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Jane Scharf,

I have been a social activist from the 1960’s forward an old hippie so to speak that never gave up fighting the man.

I have a hons. degree in psych from Carleton and a paralegal licence in Ontario.

I learned law by the site of my pants in using the courts to fight injustice and I was grandfathered when licensing paralegals began.

I have been involved in many protest actions over the years primarily regarding homelessness, disability, in relatively recent years I was involved in exposing the abuses of the child protective services.

Since co vid hit I have done everything I can think of to fight the draconian unconstitutional co vid measures. One of the most effective ways was by assisting self-representing people with their tickets and charges using the Canadian Bill of Rights (CBR). The CBR unlike the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not allow the go vernment to limit your rights even in an emergency.

Regarding the Trucker Con voy I assisted in the defenses of those charged and I flagged the violent actions of the go vernment against peaceful, unarmed protesters as treasonous. I worked on the creation of a criminal incident report with all the evidence of treason which was submitted to RC MP.

Currently we are addressing the most resent allegation of treason against Trudeau and his Ministers. The evidence of treason and names of traitors was flagged by CI SIS and given to all members of Par liament:

1. Breach of National Security: Sharing top-secret scientific information from the Winnipeg Microbiology Lab with the Chinese Communist Party.
2. Electoral Interference: Members of the Liberal Party accepting funds from the Chinese Communist Party for their election campaigns.

We are now circulating a petition to give consent for the lesser magistrates i.e. Conservative Party and police to arrest the traitors. Petition can be found at:

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