Te Puni Kokiri Survey Investigation 2024 Part 1

7 months ago

This an educational video investigating TE PUNI KOKIRI as a public service provider focused on MAORI DEVELOPMENT & WELL BEING. We look at the Executive Roles high paid & find out their background history for most is NZ Army, Corrections Prison positions, claiming policy changes. While they get paid salaries (29 salary positions) from $150k to $200k plus perks. WHERES THE FRUITS OF THEIR MAHI? Maori poverty, starvation, homelessness, neglect calls for JUSTICE! These imposters need to face scrutiny. In 2017, a Puppet Michelle Hypolite hypocrite was appointed CEO & allocated $617million for Maori Development....She NEVER spent a cent! She never spent any of the $617million. This is war crime of neglect she should be jailed. Is it time to put these criminals in the very prisons they worked for? Michelle was also groomed in America Hawaii, where the Laihana Native Lands were insinerated destroyed by Rogue Military NASA-DARPA-5G SMART city as Agenda2030 WEF-WHO-UN-AI terrorists clear the land & murdered Sovereign Indigenous Native Hawiians.
Tama Poutaka interview with Mahinarangi Forbes exposes Tainui Waikato running as The Biggest Logist Program - Chronic Data Collection surveillance guinea pig program - exploiting sovereign individual private Native Landowners - that these pedophiles Psrent company agents rely on FOR PROFITS. Who is Tainui contracted to? Bill & Melinda Gates, blackrock? Datacom USA Nasa nazis? Chinese & Indian communities?
Most of the High paid staff at Te Puni Kokiri are from Tainui Waikato! SABOTAGE OF THE MAORI ECONOMY BY offshore Australian London American GROOMED IMPOSTERS must go. This type of policy and behaviour is a Declaration of War against Maori. TAINUI & TE PUNI KOKIRI are Rothchilds entities gone rogue with rogue army & nz corrections puppets planted that ARE A DANGER TO communities & CALLS FOR NZ Corrections to be FORCED closed with SERCO - caught human trafficking & child trafficking by hiding kids inside Prison grounds. Its an evil abomination & their universities partners must be involved in Auckland pedophile city with Hamilton Waikeria. A FULL CRIMINAL INVESTIGAYTION & AUDIT IS URGENT, By a separate Maori Battalion Intelligence team.
This investigation confirms they are contracts to the occult membership.
Great Sabath Day Reading & Interpretations BillyTeKahika.
What is this MARK OF THE BEAST? It is a MICRO CHIP in your wrist, in you shoulders, in BACK OF THE NECK locations thats come from SATANISTS in America Witches & Warlocks acts of witch craft. To use their Toxic Poisons & Radiation to POSSESS INNOCENT INDIVIDUALS TARGETED. This is ZOOMBIE APOCALYPSE - By SERPENT SNAKE INJECTION. To use people as guinea pig experiments as Walking MOBILE CREDIT CARD DIGITAL ID For Commercial Bankers to Withdraw Our Private Estates Wealth from - illegally unlawfully!
This confirms police were contracts to
1. USA Facebook Mark Zuckerberg who was PFIZERs Spy operation from USA Darpa Pentagon, invading NZ under their Covid19 Patent registered to SEC security & exchange commission. At a time when USA is $39Trillion in DEBT. They invaded 17 nations for Debt Recovery Plans.
2. Also we have psycho Tony Fauci CDC paying Auckland Unversity $8million for NZ to lead the GLOBAL VACCINE MONITORING logistics Data Collection report to America.
3. And Bill & Melinda Gates foundation with partners Rockerfella foundation are using their HEALTH & WELL BEING PROGRAM - SOCIAL IMPACT BONDS through MOJ-MOH-MSD to target individuals for DIGITAL ID  BANKING Health Warrant Surveillance programs.
6. Covid ID by Vaccines & Microchips with Elon Musks neurolink injections BURN BRAIN WIRES 'SUMMON THE DEMON'(ElonMusk 2009) by a Mass Workforce BIOSECURITY FEMA Blackrock MILITARY MEDICAL CHEMICAL contracts.
7. Chris Luxons visit to his Bosses Blackrock, NATO & Joe Biden democrats party
9. UK Charles & William Royals Count Dracula geneaolgy is WEF with Klaus Schwabb Bill Gates....THIS IS A HUMAN BLOOD SACRIFICE! Does it sound like AGENDA2030? Does it sound like WEF-WHO-UN-LGBT-CIA-FBI-INTERPOL-Police gestapo? COMPLETING A BLOOD SACRIFICAL RITUAL ON A GLOBAL SCALE to 2025. Its a Repeat of Adolf Hitlers Ritual by WEF-EU-WHO-UN-Intelligence Secret Services. EVIL EVIL WICKEDNESS.

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