Article 4956 Video - Spiritual White Boy - Monday, July 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

6 months ago

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Article 4956 Video - Spiritual White Boy - Monday, July 29, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

People keep wondering why nothing ever cuts loose. They hear all this "intel" about "Great Resets" and NESARA and God only knows what.

And nothing ever happens.

It's all supposed to happen tomorrow or next week or next month, and it never does.

All that actually happens in the real world is that inflation increases and the stock market wobbles around in a bizarre manner.

Everything else seems to be oddly paralyzed and in permanent stasis, while the "government service providers" peck away at people trying to steal as much as they can via mortgage foreclosures and traffic fines and whatever else they can racketeer.

The effect is akin to listening to fingernails being scraped across a blackboard very, very, very slowly. Severe damage is being done to the economy worldwide, but it is being done slowly and without fanfare, so that even the excitable commentators like Bravo run out of steam and wind up just sitting, looking at the video screen.

Those who are paying attention to traditional economic indicators are convinced that, in the immortal words of Scotty, the Chief Engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise, "She's gonna blow, Captain, and there's not a blessed thing I can do about it."

The Federal Reserve is completely shut down except for the New York Fed. The IMF is under investigation and not saying a word --- a far cry from all the arrogant nasty World Economic Forum drivel coming out of their mouths a year ago. All the major insurance companies are shaking in their boots.

Last time I looked, the SEC Hive was scrambling around like roaches with confused looks on their faces. The Treasury Secretary is nowhere to be found, and the Secretary of the Treasury is on vacation, too. Even Jerome Powell, my favorite non-entity in the mix, has not been heard from and probably won't be until the annual Bank Holiday in England is over.

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